"Tom Brokaw Reports" on illegal immigration (December 26)
The day after Christmas, NBC News will offer an hour-long show entitled "Tom Brokaw Reports: In the Shadow of the American Dream". (Expect to hear the word "illlllegal" repeatedly.) It will probably be mostly biased, offering heartwarming anecdotes in the place of disclosing facts, but we shall see:
The hour-long documentary follows a booming economy attracting illegal workers willing to do unskilled labor, questioning what happens to American culture and America's laws when hundreds of thousands of people enter the country illegally. Brokaw interviews police, teachers, doctors, residents, and illegal immigrants to help explain the impact of illegal immigration on America. He also sits down with Congressman Tom Tancredo, a Republican from Colorado who has been out front in his opposition to illegal immigration.
UPDATE: The show's purpose has been revealed, see "Tom Brokaw, pro-illegal immigration hack" for the details.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 12/05/2006 - 11:21
Yes I can see the report now about evil Americans and the great people of mexico and the third world, "poor who only want what is justice for the worlds people", but in fact it's about enslavement and the support of the drug dealers in mexico city. see people tom is only doing his job for the one world global pigs, in the next year all of the people of the world will come here by the millions and you will become by defacto a third world non citizen, its about control by a few who hate you and want to control the third world monkeies! who have nothing but hate for you, but most people will not see this hate at once but over the next 20 years and come on why not? most white american will never stand up and say no to evil if evil can pay the bills.
so stop acting like this is a nation it isn't and the Rats win. by the way bush and the global guys will someday do business with bin laden.