Los Angeles Times gives in to union thuggery (SOS Wilmington Labor Day protest)
Posted Wed, Sep 6, 2006 at 8:42 am · short link
Joe Mathews of the Los Angeles Times has extended the report that was originally called "Labor Day Events Bring Calls for Action". The new version is called "Labor Movement Flexes Its Muscles". As shall become clear, that new title might even be a Patt Morrison-style secret message sent from somewhere deep within the L.A. Times complex. The new version has this tacked on at the end:
This video reportedly contains an "assault", but I haven't been able to watch it since youtube's local server is down or something.
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From the Mass, some union members raced to Wilmington, where they ate hot dogs served up by firefighters and listened to speeches.Sounds festive! Unfortunately, that's followed by this:
Members of the International Longshore and Warehouseman's Union Local 13 confronted about a dozen protesters belonging to the anti-illegal immigration group Save Our State. The protesters said they objected to labor's pro-immigrant stance.For a slight contrast, here's the Socialist Worker's take:
"We're angry about the unions trying to get illegal aliens to join," said Heather Evans, 26, a laboratory chemist and biologist from San Pedro.
The longshoremen, wearing light blue shirts that identified them as "security," surrounded the Save Our State protesters and attempted to block camera views of their signs. The protesters claimed they were jostled by the union members.
Los Angeles police separated the protesters and labor members at first. After about 20 minutes, the police escorted the protesters out of Banning Park and across the street as union members gave chase and chanted, "Racists go home!"
Police said no arrests were made.
When a group of approximately 20 Minutemen tried to disrupt the rally, marchers surrounded them, chanting "Union! Union! Union!" and "Racists go home" in both English and Spanish--until police were forced to escort the racists out of the park.Now, for the other side, see the pictures and video linked to from here, here, and here.
This video reportedly contains an "assault", but I haven't been able to watch it since youtube's local server is down or something.
llih (not verified)
Thu, 09/07/2006 - 05:33
Yep the guy with the camera was hit. i really liked all the Mexican rag flags
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 09/07/2006 - 04:16
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 09/06/2006 - 19:34
soon you will see L.A. Cops ( read mexican drug dealers) marching with the pigs, after all what would you do to keep your job if you are a hispanic? the enemy is inside the gate and you don't have the will to stop the rats! but some of us may have that will and fight back in the old and right way!