Bush gives argument against any sort of illegal alien amnesty scheme
Earlier today, president Bush delivered speech #5B in Miami (whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/07/20060731-1.html). For those who left their program at home, that speech number designates 10% Cuban-oriented content, and 10% ports-oriented content, with, of course, the remaining 80% being offal, stuffing, straw, lies, and bits and pieces from other speeches.
However, near the end, he provides an argument that can be used against any form of amnesty or whatever he falsely claims it is. Here are parts of the speech:
America is home to 5 percent of the world's population. That means 95 percent of the world's population are potential customers.
And 95 percent or so of that 95 percent make less in a year than some Americans make in a day.
Congress passed NAFTA, and as a result, Florida's exports to Mexico tripled.
And, Mexico's "exports" to the U.S. tripled as well. Now, the same sort of people who pushed NAFTA are trying to sell us their "solution" to massive illegal immigration.
In order to make sure this country continues to remain strong we must also ensure that America welcomes new immigrants, people who add to our prosperity. See, we can be a nation of law and a welcoming nation at the same time, and we don't have to choose. (Applause.)
Bush is right about that, and that's why we have legal immigration. Of course, since Bush supports and encourages illegal immigration, he actually only supports the "welcoming" part.
To keep the dream alive we must have comprehensive immigration reform. We must be logical about the approach we take to immigration. Of course, we want to enforce our borders. The Coast Guard works hard to enforce our borders. We got hardworking people on the Mexican border working hard to enforce our borders. And we'll provide more Border Patrol agents. And we'll provide new technologies to help those working hard. But in order to enforce the border, we have got to recognize that people are sneaking in here to work; the best way to enforce the border is to have a rational way for people who are doing jobs Americans aren't doing to come to this country on a temporary basis so they can realize their dreams. We need a guest worker program as part of a comprehensive reform. (Applause.)
Actually, the best way to enforce the border is to enforce the laws against employing illegal aliens, something that - aside from a few show raids and arrests at military bases - Bush refuses to do.
There's a lot of document forging going on. See, we got people being snuck across in 18-wheelers; we got people walking miles across the desert because of coyotes or smugglers. There's also a lot of people who forge documents. It's hard for an employer to know whether someone's here legally, or not. That's why we need to have a document that can't be forged and faked. So people say, I'm here for a temporary basis to work. I'm here legally to do a job Americans aren't doing, and that way we'll be able to have better work site enforcement. It's against the law for somebody to hire somebody who is here illegally. In order to make sure that those laws work, we need to have tamper-proof documents in the hands of people applying for work.
A Big Lie. There are tried-and-true ways of workplace enforcement that don't require a national ID card and, once again, Bush actively thwarts such enforcement. Not also the previously noted change from "jobs Americans won't do" to "job Americans aren't doing".
Fourthly, it is unrealistic to think that we should give automatic citizenship to people who've been here illegally. That's not going to work. It basically says, fine, then the next wave of people will come to try to become -- get automatic citizenship. Amnesty is not the right approach.
Bush admits that future immigrants - legal or illegal - take cues from our past actions. And, since that "next wave" would expect amnesty if we gave them the "automatic citizenship" Bush claims to oppose, that "next wave" will also expect to receive "earned citizenship" that Bush supports. It's good to hear Bush admitting that if his dream is fulfilled it will lead to yet another "earned citizenship" (i.e. amnesty) in the future.
But neither is trying to remove the 10 million or 11 million people who've been here illegally. Deportation is not going to work. What must work is a rational middle ground that says, you can pay a fine, you can learn English, you can prove you've been a lawful citizen, and then you can get in the citizenship line -- but at the back of the line, not the front of the line.
Bush just lied: there will be many people behind them in the line, and unlike the former illegal aliens, those people will be waiting in foreign countries and won't get to live here while waiting for their citizenship.
And finally, we'll continue to work to help people assimilate into the United States. We want people learning English. We want people learning our history and our traditions. We're going to work hard to make sure we're one nation under God. Rational immigration policy is possible, and it's important for members of the United States Congress to work toward a comprehensive immigration plan. (Applause.)
In his next speech, Bush will propose putting the NCLR and the government of Mexico in charge of his assimilation push.