California Border Patrol rally draws crowd, questionable editing
Posted Sun, Oct 30, 2005 at 11:10 am
Assemblyman Ray Haynes, R-Murrieta held a rally in Sacramento yesterday in support of his proposed ballot measure to create a California Border Patrol.
According to the AP, about 1000 people turned out, 700 on the other side. The protest was "mostly peaceful", and the "underlining issue" was the Minuteman Project.
The same AP report is featured in these articles:
washingtonpost . com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/29/AR2005102901498.html Calif. Border Police Plan Draws Throngs
thedesertsun . com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051030/NEWS10/510300332/1024 Hundreds stage immigration rallies at Capitol
dailybreeze . com/news/regstate/articles/1931417.html Rivals face off over border police issue
Unfortunately, all those cut off the end of the article, only mentioning a little about those on the wrong side. For what appears to be the full version, see "Border security attracts big protest, rally at Capitol" (mercurynews . com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/states/california/northern_california/13031385.htm). Here's the end, only part of which is featured in the other reports:
The WaPo report has "Green Party" changed to independent, which appears to be accurate. But Camejo is not just a former candidate of that party, he also ran as a socialist in 1976 (cnn . com/ELECTION/2004/special/president/candidates/camejo.html). And, here (counterpunch . org/camejo04062005.html) he says, "It is a hopeful sign for the Green Party that many of the [International Socialist Organization] members and Solidarity are helping the Green Party."
And, see his "thoughts" on immigration here (issues2000 . org/2004/Peter_Camejo_Immigration.htm):
And, take a look at the signs in the pictures from the first two reports, and you'll note that ANSWER was a prominent part. That group is, of course, linked to the Marxist Workers World Party (washingtontimes . com/national/20050921-102703-7616r.htm).
And, of course, there are the other signs mentioned above, calling for "No Borders" and accusing the Minutemen of being "illegal". That latter is explicitly anti-American, showing no respect for our country and our laws.
According to the AP, about 1000 people turned out, 700 on the other side. The protest was "mostly peaceful", and the "underlining issue" was the Minuteman Project.
The same AP report is featured in these articles:
washingtonpost . com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/29/AR2005102901498.html Calif. Border Police Plan Draws Throngs
thedesertsun . com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051030/NEWS10/510300332/1024 Hundreds stage immigration rallies at Capitol
dailybreeze . com/news/regstate/articles/1931417.html Rivals face off over border police issue
Unfortunately, all those cut off the end of the article, only mentioning a little about those on the wrong side. For what appears to be the full version, see "Border security attracts big protest, rally at Capitol" (mercurynews . com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/states/california/northern_california/13031385.htm). Here's the end, only part of which is featured in the other reports:
Peter Camejo, the Green Party's vice presidential candidate in 2004, led the counter-protest. He agreed the current system is not working, but said the other side's effort to seal off the borders is wrong.Somehow, I think only a very small percentage of patriotic Americans would support what the other side wants if they positions were fully explained.
"The American people need to know that only a tiny number of people are entering illegally," he said. "And these people are desperately needed by our economy. The Minutemen are saying that these people are criminal, but what they are refugees of poverty."
Participants in both events waved flags and chanted back and forth as horns blared and drums pounded. Signs read: "No bosses, no borders," and "Who's illegal Minutemen?" while the other side countered "Secure the border Mr. Bush, you're letting terrorists in."
Dave Kimball, 62 of Sacramento, was drawn into the counter-protest event, but said he was torn over the issue.
"There's got to be a better way of handling all of this," he said. "Both sides have points that maybe the other side would agree with."
The WaPo report has "Green Party" changed to independent, which appears to be accurate. But Camejo is not just a former candidate of that party, he also ran as a socialist in 1976 (cnn . com/ELECTION/2004/special/president/candidates/camejo.html). And, here (counterpunch . org/camejo04062005.html) he says, "It is a hopeful sign for the Green Party that many of the [International Socialist Organization] members and Solidarity are helping the Green Party."
And, see his "thoughts" on immigration here (issues2000 . org/2004/Peter_Camejo_Immigration.htm):
Q: Do you support the proposal allowing illegal immigrants to obtain drivers licenses?He wants to end the distinction between "illegal" and "legal" immigrants, which, of course, would have the effect of declaring open borders.
CAMEJO: The Europeans came over here illegally, they are 45% of our population. I say we let them stay and give them a drivers license. The people who have been here 20,000 years on this continent, desperately needed, no one is for them leaving, how can we not give them a drivers license.
And, take a look at the signs in the pictures from the first two reports, and you'll note that ANSWER was a prominent part. That group is, of course, linked to the Marxist Workers World Party (washingtontimes . com/national/20050921-102703-7616r.htm).
And, of course, there are the other signs mentioned above, calling for "No Borders" and accusing the Minutemen of being "illegal". That latter is explicitly anti-American, showing no respect for our country and our laws.
Edward Romanoff (not verified)
Thu, 10/05/2006 - 16:11
To the California Border Patrol:
New technology makes it possible to remotely (through any surveillance camera) identify and establish whereabouts of individual crossing the border. Then, even if the person is successful to illegally enter the country, it would find Him/Her quickly anywhere in the USA. To activate this
eh (not verified)
Sun, 10/30/2005 - 22:55
"CAMEJO: The Europeans came over here illegally, they are 45% of our population."
Unbelievable. It is really unbelievable that more than 200 years after its formation, and long, long (generations) after what and who an "American" is has been recognized around the world, that we still have to deal with this kind of total nonsense thrown out there and publicized as some kind of argument in the discussion about illegal immigration.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 10/30/2005 - 19:54
The guy is a Red, but so is our so called senate, did you hear about the senate handing out 3 MILLION NEW GREEN CARDS? And 5 million more H-1B Visas and what Bush said to the head mexican in washington about what his people will do for the bush family?..think that is nut' won't soon.
perroazul del norte (not verified)
Sun, 10/30/2005 - 19:44
Peter Camejo was a long-time prominent member of the Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party (SWP) before he became a Green.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 10/30/2005 - 14:24
We do not have any real borders or any real government and our laws are lies setup to put people in prison for the ideals of the one world pigs, fight it or be killed by it.