[sob, sob] Aww... just let them all in!

The S.F. Chronical has an editorial ("Naturalizing the dead") that attempts to piggyback their pro-illegal-immigration position onto the backs of the legal residents who fought and died in Iraq:

SIX IMMIGRANT soldiers from California have been granted citizenship for their heroic contributions to the U.S. victory in Iraq. Too bad they were in body bags when they received the honor.

The posthumous awards come as small reward to the families of the dead. To many immigrants -- and to us -- the whole idea is an insult...

"There's something terribly wrong with our immigration policies if it takes death on the battlefield in order to earn citizenship," Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles wrote to President Bush this month...

Not everyone is as amazed as the president about the contributions of immigrants, in the military or elsewhere. "The military should not be the only way to prove your worth to your country," said Ben Monterroso, a director of the Service Employees International Union in Los Angeles, which has been campaigning to get an amnesty for undocumented workers in his union.

Only legal residents are allowed to serve in the U.S. military, and those who do are able to immediately apply for citizenship.

Somehow, the Chronical wants to extend this offer made to the 50,000 legal residents in the military to the 10 million or so illegal immigrants not in the military. Hey, whatever. Call it San Francisco Logic.

Those who think this is a good idea should read this article:

"Amselle was referring to the official Mexican government policy of acercamiento ("getting closer" or "establishing a bond") to "Mexican communities abroad," meaning both Mexican citizens living in the United States and Mexican Americans who are U.S. citizens... Hernandez told Nightline that "we are betting" that Mexican-Americans who are American citizens (even after several generations) will "think Mexico First." Hernandez and other Mexican officials continually repeat the refrain that Fox is the leader of 120 million Mexicans, 100 million in Mexico and 20 million in the United States. Since this concept would, by definition, include not only Mexican migrants who sometimes work north of the Rio Grande, but also millions of American citizens of Mexican descent, many of whom were born in the United States β€” it is clearly in contradiction to traditional American principles of civic assimilation and immigrant loyalty."

Mexico now wants to make dual citizenship permanent.

And, Mexico is even trying to meddle in our military.

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