Victor Davis Hanson: amnesty fight will be like healthcare (another illustration of incompetence from Obama opponents)
Victor Davis Hanson of National Review offers "Next Battle: Immigration/What we will - and will not - hear in the upcoming debate over illegal immigration" (link). He's probably right in his assessment that the Obama administration will use the same techniques to get comprehensive immigration reform that they used to get Obama healthcare. That's especially the case since amnesty supporters have been using those same techniques for years. Because everything in the article is something we already knew, and because he offers no suggestions on what to do about the whole situation, the article is yet another illustration of why the Dems are able to do what they do: their opposition is largely incompetent.
Hanson's article doesn't provide any sort of advice on what to do and what not to do. The article doesn't point out that the tea parties helped the Dems get Obamacare by providing an opposition that was as loud as it was braindead. It doesn't try to either get the teapartiers to sit down or do something effective this time. He mentions the "corporate Right" as supporting amnesty, but doesn't mention their close ties to the tea parties, think tanks, and so on. He's got to write something, but maybe next time he should consider writing something designed to help solve problems.