Tweets to Dawn Zirkelbach ⚛️

Dawn Zirkelbach ⚛️'s avatar
Twitter handle: 
Dawn Zirkelbach ⚛️
Mom. Nurse. Skeptic. Bagel lover. Fútbol fan. My cat is my BFF. 🖤💛 Go Hawks 💛🖤
Tweets to this user:
Peter Baker's avatar
From @peterbakernyt
"Who do you like more, the country or the Hispanics?” Trump at New Mexico rally quizzes Hispanic supporter who, he…
Dawn Zirkelbach ⚛️'s avatar
From @ZeetuhZ
@peterbakernyt I quit.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's (probably) intentionally dumbed down a valid question. Dimbulbs like Baker will hype it & everyone else will be able to figure out what he meant. MT @ZeetuhZ MT @peterbakernyt [Trump's "Who do you like more, the country or the Hispanics?"]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ZeetuhZ: is Trump's question perfectly reasonable if asked of Mexica Movement or MEChA? Didn't Villar finally renounce MEChA when called on it? Isn't "More Mexican than Mexicans and more American than Americans" common? P.S. Who employs & who enables @peterbakernyt 's boss?