Tweets to LA Kings

LA Kings's avatar
Twitter handle: 
LA Kings
Los Angeles, CA
Tweets to this user:
Lance Bass's avatar
From @LanceBass
@LAKings @LAGalaxy ️ @RamsNFL @Dodgers ️ We made it to Dodger Stadium!! Four great games in LA s…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LanceBass: @Dodgers greatly harm baseball by blacking out key games and by enabling MLB selling out to Murdoch (who hid the whole NLCS on a channel millions don't get). They do that even tho baseball desperately needs all the mindshare it can get. #Dodgers have *earned* this.
Los Angeles Dodgers's avatar
From @Dodgers
CODY! @Cody_Bellinger with the go-ahead 2-run homer in the top of the second! #Dodgers lead, 2-1!
LA Kings's avatar
From @LAKings
@Dodgers @Cody_Bellinger
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LAKings: @Dodgers & #MLB hoe themselves out to Murdoch, with predictable results. In #LosAngeles, Fox is showing a completely unimportant Pac12 kneeball game with two non-LA teams rather than Game 7 of the #NLCS. Speak out against that.