Tweets to Marie K

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Marie K
Pennsylvania, USA
🛐Christian👰Wife 🙏Cancer Survivor 🐶Animal Lover 📚Life Learner 🍰Cake Decorator 🎨Painter/Crocheter Blessed Beyond Measure🛐 Loving Life Every Single Day!💟
Tweets to this user:
Donna Martin-Netherton©'s avatar
From @DonnaMartinNeth
RT @WeR_MANY: ATTN: Facebook has SHUT ALL of @RealErinCruz Pages down for a post she posted YEARS AGO! THIS IS CENSORSHIP in the PUREST FOR…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Cruz blocked me despite never tweeting her. But, since - unlike her - I oppose censorship, tell me how to help. MT @DonnaMartinNeth RT @WeR_MANY: ATTN: Facebook has SHUT ALL of #RealErinCruz Pages down for a post she posted YEARS AGO! THIS IS CENSORSHIP in the PUREST FORM