Tweets to Who Asked Your Opinion?

Who Asked Your Opinion?'s avatar
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Who Asked Your Opinion?
PC hater, Trump supporter, America lover, shit disturber, optimist, former music programmer who still loves music, alpha male, loves life, LOA, hypnosis, life
Tweets to this user:
Fred Williamson's avatar
From @fredswork
RT @TerranceKozak: Just want to take a moment to thank twitter for their censorship of us Trump supporters. You have certainly played a rol…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@fredswork: as you can see from the real data linked from my pinned tweet, Twitter heavily censors *all* kinds of users. You can easily prove that to yourself, unless you're afraid. @TerranceKozak can't do that. He also *helps* Twitter by marginalizing their opposition.