Tweets to Stephen Kaus

Stephen Kaus's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Stephen Kaus
Berkeley, CA
Tweets to this user:
Conn Carroll's avatar
From @conncarroll
Only in @thinkprogress's delusional mind is California a good state to start a family in
Stephen Kaus's avatar
From @stephenkaus
@conncarroll @kausmickey Calif. is a GREAT state to raise a family. Second fine open-minded son heading to college.
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
@stephenkaus @conncarroll The delusion's thinking that family leave/sick leave laws are a big factor compared w/ jobs/schools/culture/etc
Stephen Kaus's avatar
From @stephenkaus
@kausmickey @conncarroll Calif. doing well on jobs & schools also, Schools teach science not mythology. Happy to pay taxes for services.
Conn Carroll's avatar
From @conncarroll
@stephenkaus @kausmickey what reality do you live in?
Stephen Kaus's avatar
From @stephenkaus
@conncarroll @kausmickey My son will graduate from pub sch K-12 in Berkeley. Great education. Best place on earth?
Conn Carroll's avatar
From @conncarroll
@stephenkaus @kausmickey um... DC is 5th on that list. No one thinks DC has good schools. Try a real metric.
Stephen Kaus's avatar
From @stephenkaus
@conncarroll @kausmickey Hey, all I know is that I raised a family here and it has been great. Two fine well-educated and open minded kids!
Conn Carroll's avatar
From @conncarroll
@stephenkaus @kausmickey and you did it all before California mandated paid maternity leave! How is that even possible!?!?
Stephen Kaus's avatar
From @stephenkaus
@conncarroll @kausmickey spouse could not pursue career. Better now!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@stephenkaus: there's a smart way your brother could help stop amnesty. What mental/emotional block keeps him from doing that?