Tweets to Jeff Stein

Jeff Stein's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Jeff Stein
Washington, DC
Veteran national security correspondent & SpyTalk writer. Pvsly NWK, WaPo, CQ, UPI, books. More: Signal 2028123034. Not @Jstein_WaPo
Tweets to this user:
Jeff Stein's avatar
From @SpyTalker
Trump says he has ‘some very highly qualified people’ to replace Bolton. In the past he’s favored generals who he t…
Art Keller's avatar
From @ArtKeller
@SpyTalker Who is a person of the caliber the position demands who is also willing to abase them self and set fire…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ArtKeller: @SpyTalker calls the latest WaPo blog about Trump's CEO style "brutal". Jeff simply isn't smart enough to figure out - 4+ years later - that such blogs have zero impact. Jeff - like the rest of #TheResistance - still can't figure out how to undercut Trump to his base
Kat Capps's avatar
From @KatCapps
RT @SpyTalker: So much #Trump concern for rich, conservative #Houston, so little for poor, Democratic #PuertoRico .
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Why, it's almost like the exact opposite of "deplorables" or "bitter clingers". You turned your backs on #MAGA, now Trump repays the favor. MT @KatCapps MT @SpyTalker: So much #Trump concern for rich, conservative #Houston, so little for poor, Democratic #PuertoRico
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KatCapps @SpyTalker: Trump's disinterest in #PuertoRico is no better than O/HRC disinterest in #MAGA. You could harm him if you a) showed interest in those harmed by the NeoLiberal schemes you support & b) hold him accountable to his base over his gross incompetence.