Tweets to Dr. Robert

Dr. Robert's avatar
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Dr. Robert
Eagle Rock, Los Angeles
Redneck Rosecrucian Revolutionary
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@janewells: @RobertStrong13 could've done a huge public service if he'd solicited tough, *valid*, *policy* questions from experts & asked Mnuchin or a proxy the questions on video in the proper forum. Stunts like his are the road to #idiocracy: they aren't funny or silly.
Marilyn Edmonds's avatar
From @MarilynAEdmonds
RT @RobertStrong13: Here's the card that went with the box of horse manure I got Steve Mnuchin for Christmas. Because if money is free spe…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MarilynAEdmonds @realBigBalls @RdTdaily: do you think #TheResistance (eg you) cheering RobertStrong13 might give us a clue as to why Trump won? Trump would've lost if his loudest opposition was smart and sane.
KB's avatar
From @BMoreAuthentic
RT @RobertStrong13: All in a days work. If the GOP can fleece the American people in such a brazen fashion, we must call it out in such a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BMoreAuthentic: what sort of scientist are you? What sort of grownup, smart, sane scientist would think sending manure is a grownup, smart, sane way to hold politicians accountable? Trump won in part thanks to #TheResistance, & they still can't figure it out. #MAGA
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
#FamilyGuy mayoral debate: Crooked, demagogic politicians trading for their own accounts are just taking keying off a dumb & deranged citizenry (eg @RobertStrong13), as most would. Why not pander to the idiots? #MAGA #TheResistance
Dr. Robert's avatar
From @RobertStrong13
400 years ago Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg door. This week I delivered my 95 FECES to the…
Grant Wiant's avatar
From @grant_wiant
@RobertStrong13 As the 13th great grandson of Martin Luther I say thank you sir and well done!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Psychologist @RobertStrong13 (Robert Strong) of #EagleRock sent manure to Steven Mnuchin. Strong is too dumb and deranged to engage Mnuchin in debate.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Do @getfervent funders know you aren't smart enough to do smart things, such as engaging Mnuchin in Socratic debate instead of childish stunts? MT @grant_wiant [a RobertStrong13] As the 13th great grandson of Martin Luther I say thank you sir and well done!
Dr. Robert's avatar
From @RobertStrong13
All in a days work. If the GOP can fleece the American people in such a brazen fashion, we must call it out in suc…
Susan Swann ⛸ 🏂 🎿's avatar
From @susanswann99
@RobertStrong13 Great job you’ve done there! Millions of us thank you!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
So do Trump & Mnuchin. As always, #TheResistance is no intellectual challenge to them. #MAGA MT @susanswann99 [a RobertStrong13] Great job you’ve done there! Millions of us thank you!