Tweets to Rising serpent

Rising serpent's avatar
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Rising serpent
Closer than you'd imagine
les lèvres de la sagesse sont scellées, sauf aux oreilles de la compréhension
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@joshuapchase @rising_serpent: simply by making smart arguments that'd undercut Dem leaders to their base, Trump could've have turned enough of Dem base against illegal #immigration. He did opposite. P.S. @ScottAdamsSays has admitted he's pro-amnesty. Are you? #MAGA
Rising serpent's avatar
From @rising_serpent
@24AheadDotCom_ @joshuapchase @ScottAdamsSays No. But I'm also a realist. Which means I'll gladly risk upsetting pe…
Joshua Chase 💎's avatar
From @joshuapchase
RT @rising_serpent: @ScottAdamsSays 14. PS: "Sanctuary Cities" are going to be complying much more with the law. San Francisco has ensured…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
As Steinle verdict & Cuomo/Brown actions show, Trump has solidified blue areas *in support of illegal #immigration*. He could've done the opposite. @joshuapchase RT @rising_serpent: @ScottAdamsSays "Sanctuary Cities" are going to be complying much more with the law
Mary 🇺🇸's avatar
From @mpg25mary
RT @rising_serpent: 7. That leaves the one issue Dems have made a part of their DNA: immigration: they have also successfully conflated the…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Did Trump say most MX illegal aliens are violent criminals or not? He might as well be working for - not just with - Pelosi MT @mpg25mary MT @rising_serpent ...[Dems] have successfully conflated word Illegal alien with word immigrant... Half [of USA thinks] GOP is anti-immigrant
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mpg25mary @rising_serpent: if Trump were smart, sane, & patriotic, he could make arguments that'd undercut Dem leaders to their base (I've already written them, he'd just have to read them). Why hasn't he done something like that? Why isn't #MAGA demanding he does it?