Tweets to Ian πŸ„.🍀. Wilson β›ͺ️

Ian πŸ„.🍀. Wilson β›ͺ️'s avatar
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Ian πŸ„.🍀. Wilson β›ͺ️
Imperfect Christian who strives to love much.
Tweets to this user:
Ian πŸ„.🍀. Wilson β›ͺ️'s avatar
From @ReactionaryIan
RT @AnnCoulter: Kris Kobach, Kris Kobach, Kris Kobach. Unless all Trump's immigration campaign promises were a fraud. Then go with whomev…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ReactionaryIan: @AnnCoulter thinks Trump "wall" would be "forever"; Congress would tear it down when he's out of office. She hypes @KrisKobach1787, a grifter who's *never* done anything against mass #immigration (eg, his SB1070 was just a gift to the ACLU). Demand *results*.
Ian πŸ„.🍀. Wilson β›ͺ️'s avatar
From @ReactionaryIan
The more I look at @AnnCoulter's timeline, the more confident I feel that she's one of us.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
She is unless she denies it. MT @ReactionaryIan The more I look at @AnnCoulter's timeline, the more confident I feel that she's one of us.
Roy Beck's avatar
From @RoyBeck_NUSA
Cruz connects wages to immigration policy. Something we need to hear a lot more going forward in 2016 election.
Chinglican ☩ ζ›Ύε±₯ηΎ© Ω†'s avatar
From @LueYee
.@RoyBeck_NUSA @ReactionaryIan We can then discuss wage slavery and family independence.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LueYee @ReactionaryIan: FYI, Beck & NumbersUSA refuse to use the only plan that'd stop amnesty: