Tweets to Qurban Ali Laghari

Qurban Ali Laghari's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Qurban Ali Laghari
Hyderabad, Pakistan
| Sociologist | Social Media Activist No One Religious Higher More Than Humanity
Tweets to this user:
Ashish Goyal's avatar
From @Ashygoyal
RT @24AheadDotCom_: .@QurbanALaghari @psf_rashid: #Twitter heavily censors replies to U.S. govt officials and it's probably even worse to P…
Qurban Ali Laghari's avatar
From @QurbanALaghari
RT @psf_rashid: Democracy is the best revenge! No compromise on Democracy & will oppose censored democracy, censorship on media and hiding…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@QurbanALaghari @psf_rashid: #Twitter heavily censors replies to U.S. govt officials and it's probably even worse to Pakistan officials. Please use my open source app (linked from my top tweet) to expose what Twitter is doing.