Tweets to ❌🇺🇸Patricia Powers🇺🇸❌

❌🇺🇸Patricia Powers🇺🇸❌'s avatar
Twitter handle: 
❌🇺🇸Patricia Powers🇺🇸❌
Portland, OR
Wife of a trucker, living day to day in the NW with our sweet pup Emma Rose. #MAGA 🇺🇸🚂🐾Conservative views...oh and I RT a lot ♉ My Backup acct: @PatnJim2
Tweets to this user:
❌🇺🇸Patricia Powers🇺🇸❌'s avatar
From @luv18wheels
RT @FoxNews: .@CortesSteve: Instead of criticizing Trump on immigration issues, we should thank him for doing his job…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Is colluding with Pelosi to push the amnesty Soros has spent millions promoting Trump's job? He's doing what Soros wants & what Obama tried to do. MT @luv18wheels RT FoxNews: @CortesSteve: Instead of criticizing Trump on immigration issues, we should thank him for doing his job
❌🇺🇸Patricia Powers🇺🇸❌'s avatar
From @luv18wheels
RT @Rockprincess818: His name is Kris Kobach and he's going to wipe the floor with anyone who stands in the way of Trump's immigration plan…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@luv18wheels @JimmyForTrump: Kris Kobach has consistently failed: There are smarter ways that'd succeed.