Tweets to Public Citizen

Public Citizen's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Public Citizen
Washington, DC
Public Citizen has been standing up to corporate power and holding government accountable for 49 years. We're people-powered and accept no corporate money.
Tweets to this user:
David Leonhardt's avatar
From @DLeonhardt
The defeat of Obamacare repeal showed the power of political protest and grass-roots activism. The struggle over…
Jonah Minkoff-Zern's avatar
From @jonahmz
@DLeonhardt @Public_Citizen @MoveOn @IndivisibleTeam @womensmarch @greenpeaceusa @NationalAction @peoplefor…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jonahmz: you cheer DLeonhardt telling people to "take to the streets" if they "want Trump to go". Since that's already failed (pussy hats, etc) that makes you extremely vulnerable when I point out to Public_Citizen fans that you're duping them into something that already failed
Public Citizen's avatar
From @Public_Citizen
.@AOC: If you’re a company and you tuck [a forced arbitration] clause into virtually anything you can make an emplo…
Public Citizen's avatar
From @Public_Citizen
Thank you @AOC for shining a light on the insidious practice of forced arbitration. These clauses are buried in th…
Myrna Lovejoy's avatar
From @joylovetrust
@Public_Citizen @AOC It ought to be clear to everyone why Trump & @LindseyGrahamSC are so afraid of @AOC.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It's clear to everyone except @Public_Citizen that the GOP loves AOC: they can portray all libs as just like her. MT @joylovetrust It ought to be clear to everyone why Trump & LindseyGrahamSC are so afraid of AOC.
Public Citizen's avatar
From @Public_Citizen
It looks like a swamp monster is trolling Interior nominee and former oil lobbyist David Bernhardt at his confirmat…
Public Citizen's avatar
From @Public_Citizen
The moment when Capitol Police notice the swamp monster sitting behind oil lobbyist David Bernhardt is too much
RedwoodWitch🌹🔥 #MedicareForAll #SickLeaveForAll's avatar
From @RedwoodGirl
@Public_Citizen "That swamp monster wants three fiddy!"
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RedwoodGirl: you graudated from UCB, but you don't see a problem with @Public_Citizen cheap stunts? As the past 3+ years should prove, cheap stunts don't work against Trump. If you want to help finally hold Trump accountable, urge PC to try engaging Trump officials in debate.
Kassandra Seven's avatar
From @KassandraSeven
@Public_Citizen @ava @maddow @Alyssa_Milano @AOC @funder @MoveOn @shaunking @JoyAnnReid @RalphNader…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KassandraSeven: @Public_Citizen could easily & permanently stop Trump's "wall" right now simply by pointing to Trump's base that it wouldn't last: future Congresses would neglect or tear it down & Trump fans couldn't do anything about it. Ask PC why they aren't doing that.
Public Citizen's avatar
From @Public_Citizen
BREAKING: We just sued Trump over his fake national emergency. If Trump gets away with this, there's no telling wh…
Ron Pressley's avatar
From @RonPressley1
@Public_Citizen @RalphNader @ava @maddow @Alyssa_Milano @AOC @funder @MoveOn @shaunking @JoyAnnReid…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RonPressley1: the @Public_Citizen suit is necessary. But, their claim to "[stand] up to corporate power" is bogus: Big Biz wants more immigration. They also aren't smart enough to figure out an easy, low-cost way to stop Trump's wall: point out Congress would tear it down.