Tweets to #SophieSchollsGhost

#SophieSchollsGhost's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Your Conscience
Feminist. Blocked by many on 'both sides'. Speaking truth. #NVLeg #WomenRiseUp #StopHimNow #ItCanHappenHere #WeAreTheMonsters #SayNoToFascism #WhoHaveWeBecome
Tweets to this user:
#SophieSchollsGhost's avatar
From @Saintsfan5348
This makes me ill. #PuertoRico If you're on the mainland now, please register to vote & vote Democratic. We need to…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Saintsfan5348: clearly how #TheResistance etc have approached #PuertoRico hasn't worked: Trump's never been held accountable. Admit it & work to change it. Urge MSM to really press Trump proxies on how FEMA placed a rush order for sat phones with a phone store after Maria.
#SophieSchollsGhost's avatar
From @Saintsfan5348
RT @slpng_giants: So to @facebook, an immigration story is worthy of censorship, but Infowars saying that Sandy Hook was staged isn’t. Hel…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Neither should be censored. Slpng are lil' Honeckers: they want to quash dissent just as was done in E. Germany & similar. MT @Saintsfan5348 MT @slpng_giants: So to #facebook, an immigration story is worthy of censorship, but Infowars saying that Sandy Hook was staged isn’t
Harley B-word Countdown 🇵🇷's avatar
From @CudBlay
RT @TaurusBone: FYI, this is the kind of thing ISIS did as they gathered strength. Constantly whined about unfairness and bias toward conse…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CudBlay @Saintsfan5348: #Twitter censors about as many libs as cons: ~1/3 of the replies to Marsha Blackburn & ~40% to Ajit Pai are censored. As you can guess, most of those replies are from liberals. Get the MSM to cover that & you'll help destroy parscale's credibility.