Tweets to Mark Preston

Mark Preston's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Mark Preston
ÜT: 38.900063,-77.008976
CNN Senior Political Analyst; Full Stop w/ Mark Preston on SiriusXM/POTUS 124; Bio; ☮️ & ❤️
Tweets to this user:
Mark Preston's avatar
From @PrestonCNN
Just ran into @AndrewYang at @CNN ... tune in he will be helping make sense of today’s Nevada Caucus and the path f…
QueenBB's avatar
From @QueenBB30571035
@PrestonCNN @DanaBashCNN @AndrewYang @CNN Yang was utterly bewildered by the debate process. Spare us.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@QueenBB30571035: search "CNN Executive Resigns Post Over Remarks". CNN went easy on *Saddam* in exchange for access. @PrestonCNN & his pals continue that disgraceful practice, never ever putting a pol on the spot. Now, Jerry Yang is a temporary bit player on their show.
SE Cupp Unfiltered's avatar
From @UnfilteredSE
Tonight on @secupp Unfiltered, @PrestonCNN & @fmanjoo on the Trump economy. Plus, Trump’s confusing gun control sta…
Aron Goldman's avatar
From @ArgoJournal
@UnfilteredSE @secupp @PrestonCNN @fmanjoo @ThirdWayMattB @BasilSmiklePhD @alicetweet @NHJennifer Note: We‘re not y…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ArgoJournal: in 2011, @UnfilteredSE fluffed GOP candidates at a supposed debate. She's only on CNN because they know she's no threat to the powerful.
Mark Preston's avatar
From @PrestonCNN
Update: 10 candidates have qualified and accepted @CNN's invitation to participate in a Climate Crisis Town Hall:
Brian Reid's avatar
From @breid457
@PrestonCNN @CNN It is ridiculous that @CNN is not allowing @JayInslee to participate in the Climate Town Hall. Thi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
CNN is always about putting on a show & fluffing those in power. Help discredit them as supposed journalists until they have *real* debates w/ all sides using Socratic questions. MT @breid457 [to @PrestonCNN hyping yet another bogus CNN "debate", this one about "climate change"]
(((Harry Enten)))'s avatar
From @ForecasterEnten
So @PrestonCNN is saying he might go tieless with me for the 1 am to 4 am stint on election night.
Dave Brodbeck's avatar
From @dbrodbeck
@ForecasterEnten @PrestonCNN Who is bringing the cream soda?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@dbrodbeck: hey Dave, @PrestonCNN thinks amnesty would "solve" the #immigration issue. See the link for what he & @ForecasterEnten either can't figure out, or choose to ignore. Do you think it's that they can't figure that out, or are trying to deceive?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PrestonCNN: you seem to be slightly self-aware enough to realize that how #CNN / MSM / #The Resistance oppose Trump helps him. If you want to hold Trump accountable, call his proxies on how his plans are unimplementable (Wall) or endanger USA (bans). When will you do that?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PrestonCNN: when will #CNN report on @TomPerez & the anti-American extremist group CASA de Maryland? Why don't you try real reporting?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PrestonCNN: @TomPerez led an anti-American extremist group that took Citgo (ie Chavez) money & helped illegal aliens get jobs. #DNCDebate