Tweets to Laurence Miller

Laurence Miller's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Laurence Miller
Frederick, MD
Small Business Owner/#Ibackthebirds /#RavensFlock/#MAGA/#KAG/#Trump2020/#patriot/ I thrive in the space between spaces/ I dont use a stunt double/ #comicsgate
Tweets to this user:
Laurence Miller's avatar
From @LTMiller7
@gatewaypundit @cristinalaila1 You know what to do fellow voters
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LTMiller7: from Trump's election to now, was depending on the "wall" a smart idea? I'm only asking about from now back to then. During all that time, why wasn't Trump making smart arguments that would've undercut Pelosi to her base on immigration?
Brian Kolfage's avatar
From @BrianKolfage
Incredible news, senators and congressmen want us to build more wall for the government privately on a parallel pat…
Laurence Miller's avatar
From @LTMiller7
@BrianKolfage @POTUS @RyanAFournier @StumpforTrump Awesome!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LTMiller7: you support the private "wall" that's spent how much & built how much? Can you conceive of smarter ways to reduce illegal immigration? Please don't be emotional in your response but think it through. Is a "wall" the smartest tactic you can imagine there being?