Tweets to Mike McIntire

Mike McIntire's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Mike McIntire
New York
Investigative reporter @nytimes | author of Champions Way: Football, Florida and the Lost Soul of College Sports | used to read books, but Twitter
Tweets to this user:
Pamela MacNaughtan's avatar
From @pamelamacn
RT @nkulish: THREAD: Cordelia Scaife May, an heiress to the Gilded Age Mellon-family fortune, was the single biggest donor to the anti-immi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@pamelamacn: hey Pamela, Kulish, @mmcintire, etc are paid by a billionaire to push anti-American loose immigration policies. By enabling him, you put yourself on the same (albeit unpaid) side as Slim, Koch, U.S. Chamber, WalMart... Do your fans know you help billionaires?
Nicholas Kulish's avatar
From @nkulish
THREAD: Cordelia Scaife May, an heiress to the Gilded Age Mellon-family fortune, was the single biggest donor to th…
Nicholas Kulish's avatar
From @nkulish
@mmcintire Mrs. May started out focused on nature conservation and birth control. She was a disciple of family frie…
Nicholas Kulish's avatar
From @nkulish
@mmcintire How she went from environmentalist to nativist is a sweeping story that bridges the anti-immigration mov…
Nicholas Kulish's avatar
From @nkulish
@mmcintire Her money has gone to an enormous network of anti-immigration groups, many with close ties to the Trump…
Nicholas Kulish's avatar
From @nkulish
@mmcintire We did dozens of interviews, searched through court records and government filings and combed archives a…
Kathleen Craig's avatar
From @Kathleen_Craig
@nkulish @mmcintire Who runs this network now, who decides where the money goes? How can we stop this?
Nicholas Kulish's avatar
From @nkulish
@mmcintire There's been great work on Cordy May before, like this important @JTanfani piece in the @latimes but we…
Nicholas Kulish's avatar
From @nkulish
@mmcintire @JTanfani @latimes Which wasn't easy. She demanded strict anonymity from her donors. There are reference…
Nicholas Kulish's avatar
From @nkulish
@mmcintire @JTanfani @latimes The story begins in the Roaring '20s, a year before the Great Depression, when Cordel…
Nicholas Kulish's avatar
From @nkulish
@mmcintire @JTanfani @latimes Her great-uncle was powerful Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, her grandfather his ri…
Nicholas Kulish's avatar
From @nkulish
@mmcintire @JTanfani @latimes She was raised in a mansion called Penguin Court in the Ligonier Valley of Pennsylvan…
Nicholas Kulish's avatar
From @nkulish
@mmcintire @JTanfani @latimes Mrs. May believed that population growth was bad for the environment. She was not alo…
Bosimmatty's avatar
From @Bos_imm
@nkulish @mmcintire @JTanfani @latimes They someohow overlooked how everyone’s birth rates dropped when they immigr…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Bos_imm: as a lawyer, you might be smart enough to figure out why @nkulish blogs about Cordelia Scaife May. It's not just news; he's paid to push mass immigration by a billionaire. From your name I guess you'd gladly take Slim's bucks too. At least be honest about it.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Take over & issue executive orders just like Trump's trying? Alternatively, you can realize @nkulish is paid to push a billionaire's loose borders agenda that would greatly harm U.S. workers. Be a real liberal on all fronts. MT @Kathleen_Craig ...How can we stop this?
Mike McIntire's avatar
From @mmcintire
NEW: Meet the old money behind the modern anti-immigration movement w/@nkulish
Mike McIntire's avatar
From @mmcintire
@nkulish She believed America was “being invaded on all fronts” by foreigners, and her foundation has "poured $180…
Mike McIntire's avatar
From @mmcintire
@nkulish Cordelia Scaife May's $$$ financed the creation and operation of the largest restrictionist groups propell…
Karen D's avatar
From @karesf
@mmcintire @nkulish Went down the Mellon rabbit hole and spent some time on Cordelia's cousin, William Larimer Mell…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@karesf: you cheer @mmcintire Scaife May propaganda. He's paid by a billionaire to push loose borders designed to lower wages (harming millions). He helps encourage people to cross the desert & many die. He helps braindrain 3rd world harming millions. Be a real liberal.