Tweets to Michelle Maltais

Michelle Maltais's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Michelle Maltais
Los Angeles
Consumer Editor for @usatoday. Alum: @latimes, @Newsday, @MyDesert, @Scrippscollege, @columbiajourn. Tech geek; mom; #Dodgers fan; πŸ’œs (most) things purple
Tweets to this user:
Joy's avatar
From @Joy_Resmovits
Calif. schools will soon be on the hook for things like suspensions, attendance and graduation rates @politicsk12
Monique Mills, MBA's avatar
From @MoniqMills
@Joy_Resmovits Thanks for sharing! I'm looking to relocate to the area so school system selection is priority. Any suggestions on district?
Joy's avatar
From @Joy_Resmovits
@MoniqMills cc'ing moms @mitrakalita and @mmaltaisLA, who have real-world experience in this :) good luck!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Joy_Resmovits: @mmaltaisLA won't reply about lying & Reader's Rep ignoring it. Is that the #LATimes way?
David Lazarus's avatar
From @Davidlaz
RT @mmaltaisLA: How should we discuss race w/ our biracial kids? That's the topic on May 21. I'm looking forward to it #parenting https://t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Davidlaz: as "dpty director of audience engagement", why won't @mmaltaisLA reply about an LAT hack lying & Reader's Rep ignoring it?
Michelle Maltais's avatar
From @mmaltaisLA
RT @LATSeema: Mariachis at East LA College singing "Viva Hillary."
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mmaltaisLA: I missed your reply. An #LATimes reporter outrageously lied and Readers Rep refused to respond. Is that #journalism per you?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mmaltaisLA: an #LATimes reporter outrageously lied and Readers Rep refused to respond. Is that #journalism per you?