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30 min gf
United States
I tweet a lot re: @thestrokes @Casablancas_J ~~ my muse @JCandTheVoidz #darkhumor #tattoos #freePalestine #fuckisrael
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Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@LolaJ_RK: hey Lola. @RedNationRising supports corporate socialism: Perry paying Toyota $10k per job. That #Teaparty toโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@LolaJ_RK: hey Lola. @RedNationRising supports corporate socialism: Perry paying Toyota $10k per job. That #Teaparty to you? #tcot #gop
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
@24AheadDotCom. Perry didn't even have to recruit Toyota. Proof Perry paid that? @LolaJ_RK
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
@24AheadDotCom. Another Commieforian. @LolaJ_RK
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
RT @LolaJ_RK: @Tazatator. FFS @24AheadDotCom, lay off the coffee. Or crack. Or legal drugs. @RedNationRising