Tweets to Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis

Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis's avatar
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Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis
Ride or Die NYC
Now @nytimes lit agent @slevittslevitt past @popsci @MIT_sciwrite @insideclimate. Anti mayo.The Expanse 💯. Carne Por la Machina. All my tweets are subtweets.
Tweets to this user:
Jesse Pesta's avatar
From @JessePesta
My NYT Climate colleagues with an impressive run—three top-of-front-page pieces in three days. Not bad…
Abigail Pesta's avatar
From @AbigailPesta
@JessePesta @KendraWrites @SominiSengupta @CoralDavenport Great work, Jesse and Team Climate
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AbigailPesta: @JessePesta hypes the extremely pro-Big Biz blog by Miriam Jordan. She's paid to help increase immigration so Big Biz can lower wages. Think through how you'll look when some of those you try to dupe wake up.
Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis's avatar
From @KendraWrites
RT @thegarance: .@Twitter needs to appoint or hire someone to be an accessible point person for all journalists dealing with this kind of c…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Who's the "accessible point person" for those doxed by those Garance thinks are journalists? MT @KendraWrites RT @thegarance: .@Twitter needs to appoint or hire someone to be an accessible point person for all journalists [being helped by #AltRight yahoos in re AmyMek]