Tweets to Judah Friedlander

Judah Friedlander's avatar
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Judah Friedlander
2019 Future President Tour. All new material. America Is the Greatest Country In the United States on Netflix. anti-white male supremacy. anti-imperialist.
Tweets to this user:
Ben Mankiewicz's avatar
From @BenMank77
Maybe one day, when we acquire the ability to look at video on our phones, change will finally come.
Judah Friedlander's avatar
From @JudahWorldChamp
@BenMank77 ben....well said. we can only hope.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JudahWorldChamp: FYI, here's just one example of @BenMank77 lying: I'm hardly a Gary Johnson fan, but I don't support lying about him. Does Johnson want to "end child labor laws" as Ben said, yes or no?
Judah Friedlander's avatar
From @JudahWorldChamp
RT @JSCCounterPunch: A Look Inside Our Guantanmo for Kids. How much longer will America tolerate this?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JudahWorldChamp: #immigration stance of @JSCCounterPunch is ultimately the same as U.S. Chamber, WalMart, McDonald's, Tyson Foods, Western Growers, and sweatshops. All support mass, wage-lowering immigration. Would USChamber support mass immigration if it raised wages?