Tweets to Jennifer Cohn โœ๐Ÿป

Jennifer Cohn โœ๐Ÿป's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Jennifer Cohn โœ๐Ÿป
Election security advocate & writer; attorney; Contributor @WhoWhatWhy, @NYRDaily #HandMarkedPaperBallots #ProtectOurVotes ๐Ÿ†˜
Tweets to this user:
Jennifer Cohn โœ๐Ÿป's avatar
From @jennycohn1
โ€œVoting system CEOs agree to work with government, not independent analysts." The distinctโ€ฆ
Wendy ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ's avatar
From @perfectrose2011
@jennycohn1 This is what I found in the Twitter explanation: "Other times, it may be in response to a valid and prโ€ฆ
T๐ŸŒŠMM's avatar
From @TMatthews122
@perfectrose2011 @jennycohn1 And exactly which country?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TMatthews122 @perfectrose2011: FYI, Twitter heavily censors replies to Rouhani, Ajit Pai, Mike Trout, Target, Medvedev, etc. etc. See the real, reproducible data at my pinned tweet. I haven't been able to find a reporter to cover that, why don't you try.
Jennifer Cohn โœ๐Ÿป's avatar
From @jennycohn1
Perfection: โ€œ[T]hat still on the job long after Mattis & John Kelly are gone is one of ur โ€˜tellsโ€™ thโ€ฆ
Nina Miller ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ†˜'s avatar
From @NinaLMill
@jennycohn1 @Will_Bunch Yes!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NinaLMill: how can Mnuchin still be on the job when those like @jennycohn1 have thrown their best at him? Could it be that they aren't that good & their fans keep enabling them even tho they're good for nothing? Does #TheResistance even know they repeat the same failed thing?