Tweets to Jose A. Del Real

Jose A. Del Real's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Jose A. Del Real
Washington, D.C.
Reporter, National Political Enterprise & Investigations at @washingtonpost. Alaska grown. @nytimes alum. DMs open.
Tweets to this user:
Jose A. Del Real's avatar
From @jdelreal
My time as a California resident is coming to an end. I'm really going to miss this amazing, complicated, maddening…
Robin Tiberius Kirk has a new book coming out!'s avatar
From @RobinKirk
@jdelreal What an amazing body of work -- thank you for all that you do!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RobinKirk: @jdelreal has constantly deceived about immigration. Here's a challenge: link any of his blogs, & I'll point out to you at least one attempt of his to deceive people like you. Go ahead, call me on it.
stephen parsons's avatar
From @sbplama
@peterbakernyt @MorianTina @tarangoNYT @thomasfullerNYT @jdelreal But @jonathanchait said it was all Hillary’s doing.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sbplama: @jonathanchait has had 4 long years to undercut Trump to his base. All he's done is put on a side-side-sideshow to get clicks. And, he drew a chart like a 4 year old. Trump's incredibly vulnerable to his base on immigration, PR, etc. Chait can't figure it out.
Peter Baker's avatar
From @peterbakernyt
Trump has catalyzed California into moving more aggressively to the left, providing an alternative vision, although…
Joe Clark's avatar
From @joeclark_343
@peterbakernyt @tarangoNYT @thomasfullerNYT @jdelreal Whiplash is really not a good thing. My wife worked for Sen C…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Baker assumes CA is some monolith. He lacks smarts & life experience to understand what Trump's about, what CA's about... pretty much everything. MT @joeclark_343 [too far no good] MT @peterbakernyt Trump has catalyzed CA into moving more aggressively to the left..
Jeffrey Stein's avatar
From @JStein_WaPo
Fox News has aired at least 18 segments on California homelessness this year None were before June 2019 10 were a…
Jeffrey Stein's avatar
From @JStein_WaPo
@RiegerReport .@maggieNYT & @jdelreal confirm this story with on record statement from Rudy Giuliani, who the Times…
Burt Likko's avatar
From @burtlikko
@JStein_WaPo @JonIsAwesomest @RiegerReport To be fair, homelessness has been one of the principal shames of Califor…
The face toucher's avatar
From @JonIsAwesomest
@burtlikko @JStein_WaPo @RiegerReport The discussion of homelessness pushed by Fox is not one about how there are p…
Rainey's avatar
From @rainywonks
@JStein_WaPo @joshtpm @RiegerReport @maggieNYT @jdelreal Honestly, that photo is ridiculous. LA seriously allowed…
esther c🌊's avatar
From @PortlandEsther
@JStein_WaPo @joshtpm @RiegerReport @maggieNYT @jdelreal How about giving the state grants for housing, mental heal…
Ian Gillespie's avatar
From @IanRGillespie
@JStein_WaPo @joshtpm @RiegerReport @maggieNYT @jdelreal How on Earth could this be federal jurisdiction??
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It's not just the City, it's legal decisions. The same ones Trump's going to run into when he just does shtick without solving problems. MT @rainywonks LA seriously allowed that block sized [more like ~30' of homeless tents together] tent to be erected on the sidewalk?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
One of the major reasons for homelessness is the NeoLiberal (loose borders/free trade/globalism, i.e., Koch/U.S. Chamber) policies Dem/GOP leaders push & their fans fall for. MT @PortlandEsther [solution to homelessness is]housing, mental health and drug treatment and jobs
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@IanRGillespie: as with everything else, Trump is just doing shtick. Notice his flack blames it on "liberals". Said libs will help Trump as they always have by playing their role; they aren't smart/sane enough to undercut Trump's games. I'd suggest you work on that.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
That's better than most, but you sound like a snowflake. MT @JonIsAwesomest [Fox on homelessness not] about how there are people facing hardship who need to be helped. It's one blaming homeless for ruining society, & blaming CA for allowing it. Trump [tries to reply] w brutality
Matt Mackowiak's avatar
From @MattMackowiak
EJ - Sober up. There was a 9/11 Commission.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MattMackowiak: hey Matt, as a conservative will you help me discredit @jdelreal? See
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@KYTrey: failing upward is the #Politico way. @JDelReal has problems with accurate reporting: #Harvard #tcot #ows
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@BAFeldman: why is LOL to u? @jdelreal shows he can't figure out basic concepts. Don't you support good reporting?
brian feldman's avatar
From @BAFeldman
@24AheadDotCom @jdelreal bro. lol.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@BAFeldman: read to see why you can't trust what @jdelreal writes. He's just not credible. #Politico #tcot #ows
brian feldman's avatar
From @BAFeldman
@24AheadDotCom @jdelreal lol okay
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@MattMackowiak: hey Matt, as a conservative will you help me discredit @jdelreal? See #teaparty #tcot #gop #Texas
Matt Mackowiak's avatar
From @MattMackowiak
@24AheadDotCom on what basis? I am not clicking on your link. He has been smart & fair with me.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@dgordon52: as a PR pro, maybe you can help @JDelReal rescue his reputation: #immigration #Politico
