Tweets to Jeffrey Stein

Jeffrey Stein's avatar
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Jeffrey Stein
Washington, DC
White House economics reporter for The Washington Post. NYR fan. Not the “Spy Talk” guy., Signal: 9178872891. Founder of @IthacaVoice
Tweets to this user:
David Nakamura's avatar
From @DavidNakamura
Jeff Bezos is in an escalating public feud w/White House trade adviser Peter Navarro that prompted the Amazon boss…
martha lou's avatar
From @marthaevapearl
@DavidNakamura @JStein_WaPo @abhabhattarai I agree w trade guy on counterfeit issue-Platform has an oversight respo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@marthaevapearl @JoCool14: Trump's horrific & fake, but Peter Navarro is where Dems were not so long ago on trade. Now - tricked into being agin somethin' cuz Trump's fer it - they stand with billionaires like Bezos.
Alan's avatar
From @JudahTheHammer
@damianpaletta @AshleyRParker @JStein_WaPo @jdawsey1 @TracyJan I feel like more should be made about the plan to cr…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
See? That's exactly what I'm talking about: #TheResistance can't help but help Trump. RT @JudahTheHammer I feel like more should be made about the plan to create more Concentration Camps, this time rounding up the homeless. It’s pretty much a move right out of Nazi Germany.
Damian Paletta's avatar
From @damianpaletta
BREAKING: White House secretly visited former FAA site in Calif. in escalating search for place to relocate homeles…
VLP 🖖's avatar
From @VPVP1957
@damianpaletta @PhilipRucker @JStein_WaPo @jdawsey1 @TracyJan You can't just round up and incarcerate the homeless.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@VPVP1957: can you direct me to the MSM / #TheResistance ever not falling into Trump's traps? Can you direct me to them offering better alternatives to Trump's doltish plans in order to undercut him to his base? Trump's just doing shtick on the homeless & #resist will help him.
Sam in LA's avatar
From @Sam42199640
@JStein_WaPo @daveweigel @RiegerReport It did get really, REALLY bad seemingly overnight, at least in Los Angeles.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Sam42199640: one of the major factors in homelessness is NeoLiberal (i.e., Koch) policies: loose borders/free trade/globalism. Those policies are enabled by another contributing factor: bourgeois sociopaths (eg, John & Ken). See my next tweet.
Jeffrey Stein's avatar
From @JStein_WaPo
Fox News has aired at least 18 segments on California homelessness this year None were before June 2019 10 were a…
Jeffrey Stein's avatar
From @JStein_WaPo
@RiegerReport .@maggieNYT & @jdelreal confirm this story with on record statement from Rudy Giuliani, who the Times…
Burt Likko's avatar
From @burtlikko
@JStein_WaPo @JonIsAwesomest @RiegerReport To be fair, homelessness has been one of the principal shames of Califor…
The face toucher's avatar
From @JonIsAwesomest
@burtlikko @JStein_WaPo @RiegerReport The discussion of homelessness pushed by Fox is not one about how there are p…
Rainey's avatar
From @rainywonks
@JStein_WaPo @joshtpm @RiegerReport @maggieNYT @jdelreal Honestly, that photo is ridiculous. LA seriously allowed…
esther c🌊's avatar
From @PortlandEsther
@JStein_WaPo @joshtpm @RiegerReport @maggieNYT @jdelreal How about giving the state grants for housing, mental heal…
Ian Gillespie's avatar
From @IanRGillespie
@JStein_WaPo @joshtpm @RiegerReport @maggieNYT @jdelreal How on Earth could this be federal jurisdiction??
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It's not just the City, it's legal decisions. The same ones Trump's going to run into when he just does shtick without solving problems. MT @rainywonks LA seriously allowed that block sized [more like ~30' of homeless tents together] tent to be erected on the sidewalk?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
One of the major reasons for homelessness is the NeoLiberal (loose borders/free trade/globalism, i.e., Koch/U.S. Chamber) policies Dem/GOP leaders push & their fans fall for. MT @PortlandEsther [solution to homelessness is]housing, mental health and drug treatment and jobs
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@IanRGillespie: as with everything else, Trump is just doing shtick. Notice his flack blames it on "liberals". Said libs will help Trump as they always have by playing their role; they aren't smart/sane enough to undercut Trump's games. I'd suggest you work on that.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
That's better than most, but you sound like a snowflake. MT @JonIsAwesomest [Fox on homelessness not] about how there are people facing hardship who need to be helped. It's one blaming homeless for ruining society, & blaming CA for allowing it. Trump [tries to reply] w brutality
Wesley's avatar
From @WesleyLowery
How do you write a 10 years later piece on the Tea Party and not mention - not once, not even in passing - the fact…
Jeffrey Stein's avatar
From @JStein_WaPo
@WesleyLowery too bad there is nobody you could call for a quote about this in the entirety of the democratic party…
Jay Caruso's avatar
From @JayCaruso
@WesleyLowery "...the fact that it was essentially a hysterical grassroots tantrum about the fact a black guy was p…
Noam Chonky's avatar
From @hottakebob
@JayCaruso @WesleyLowery Historical revision is indeed a problem, since most sources tend to identify Rick Santelli…
Wesley's avatar
From @WesleyLowery
@hottakebob @JayCaruso To look at a movement 10 years later requires not just the “spark” but also the motivations…
Jay Caruso's avatar
From @JayCaruso
@WesleyLowery @hottakebob I'll concede that's fair but it also doesn't align with what you said, "...essentially a…
Wesley's avatar
From @WesleyLowery
@JayCaruso @hottakebob Just one of many studies. Another, which places racial animus at the center of Tea Party mot…
Wesley's avatar
From @WesleyLowery
@JayCaruso @hottakebob And, again, the entire subject of race goes completely unmentioned in the New York Times' os…
Jay Caruso's avatar
From @JayCaruso
@WesleyLowery @hottakebob And I agree that's a fair point. Where we likely will never agree is what driving force b…
Jessica Shortall 🧂's avatar
From @jessicashortall
@JayCaruso @WesleyLowery @hottakebob Can you bring yourself to say “racist” or does it really, truly, after all thi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It started well before then. @WesleyLowery is a racist, assuming any mostly-white group must be KKK. He's no help at showing Koch ideas wrong. MT @hottakebob ...most sources tend to identify Rick Santelli's rant in February 2009 to be the catalyst of the Tea Party movement
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jessicashortall: when was Teaparty founded?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
List all the times those listed engaged TPers in debate about the huge flaws in their policies: MT @JStein_WaPo too bad there is nobody you could call for a quote [supporting playing race card on Teaparty] in the entirety of the democratic party, academy, or activist circles
Jeffrey Stein's avatar
From @JStein_WaPo
Update: Since my story with @jdawsey1, Casa Ismael has received calls offering donations from ppl in Minnesota, NY,…
Jayne Englert-Burns's avatar
From @englertj
@JStein_WaPo @teotakuu @jdawsey1 Is this not what djt wants to cut? These services, these supports? If he’s concern…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@englertj: if Trump saw his gross incompetence on PR as a liability (he doesn't now), he'd change what he does. @JStein_WaPo can't even conceive of making Trump's gross incompetence on PR a liability for him. He's just entertaining #resist, he isn't helping them or the U.S.
Jeffrey Stein's avatar
From @JStein_WaPo
I know there's a lot of news today, but I want to tell a quick story about Myrna Izquierdo, who lives in Toa Baja,…
Chester Demel's avatar
From @papiurbano
@JStein_WaPo Excellent and harrowing story. A must for anyone who needed anymore evidence of the nihilism, petty vi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
The fact you think that's needed shows you're as incompetent as Trump, @JStein_WaPo, & Trump's loudest opponents. MT @papiurbano Excellent and harrowing story. A must for anyone who needed anymore evidence of the nihilism, petty vindictiveness , and plain nastiness of Trump
Josh Dawsey's avatar
From @jdawsey1
Trump has repeatedly told aides he doesn't want federal $$$ going to Puerto Rico, be it HUD or food stamp assistanc…
🌈Joshua R.'s avatar
From @hsojlightfoot
@jdawsey1 @JStein_WaPo This is what the media should talk about but instead are tripping over themselves to defend…
Brian Ray's avatar
From @brianrayguitar
@jdawsey1 @JStein_WaPo Trump ran into opposition while trying to steamroll Puerto Rico w another resort of his. The…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@brianrayguitar: it should be incredibly easy to show Trump's base how incompetent his PR response was. So, why hasn't that happened? Because his loudest opponents - such as @jdawsey1 - are even more incompetent than Trump. Demand Josh does his job.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@hsojlightfoot: a very easy (for me) to devise line of questioning would show how incompetent Trump was on PR. The Miami phone store sat phones, failure to get teams to each settlement, etc. Make it a CLM for @jdawsey1 if he doesn't start pressing Trump proxies on those.
Jeffrey Stein's avatar
From @JStein_WaPo
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JStein_WaPo: you don't want the 200k from El S. on TPS in USA to leave because El. S. is a mess. What should happen with the 6,345,000 who remain in El S.? Shouldn't they be allowed to move here since El S. is a mess?
