Tweets to stephen parsons

stephen parsons's avatar
Twitter handle: 
stephen parsons
Computational Analysis of Eustatic & Tectonic Signals in Upper Cretaceous Foreland; baseball; intโ€™l relations/polisci; chronic pain; father, son, dog lover
Tweets to this user:
stephen parsons's avatar
From @sbplama
@JuliaDavisNews @Grant2Carla We cannot lose sight of the way Russian intel used the @NRA to infiltrate the @gop
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sbplama: as a "Computational Analysis of Eustatic & Tectonic Signals" per your bio, does Putin want more U.S. censorship, less of it, or does he not care? Does Daily Beast constantly push censorship, yes or no? Has @JuliaDavisNews pushed censorship, yes or no?
stephen parsons's avatar
From @sbplama
@peterbakernyt @MorianTina @tarangoNYT @thomasfullerNYT @jdelreal But @jonathanchait said it was all Hillaryโ€™s doing.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sbplama: @jonathanchait has had 4 long years to undercut Trump to his base. All he's done is put on a side-side-sideshow to get clicks. And, he drew a chart like a 4 year old. Trump's incredibly vulnerable to his base on immigration, PR, etc. Chait can't figure it out.