Tweets to Enthéos

Enthéos's avatar
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Made Drudge 219 Times Since 08
We provide tips intel & stories for Patriot, Conservative, Pro-Israel, Pro-Military, Independent, Political, Christian & other news outlets (Deltas Are The 🗝)
Tweets to this user:
Enthéos's avatar
From @EntheosShines
RT @EntheosShines: MEDIA BLACKOUT: Owner Of The Twitter Competitor Site @getongab Is Being Terrorized By The Dark-Left After The Fake News…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Very few Twitter users are cons. Gab falsely pretends only cons are censored. That means they're deliberately reducing their possible audience. MT @EntheosShines RT @EntheosShines: MEDIA BLACKOUT: Owner Of Twitter Competitor Site getongab Being Terrorized By Dark-Left
Enthéos's avatar
From @EntheosShines
RT @EntheosShines: @PrisonPlanet Twitter has instituted multiple layers of censorship. We're down several million impressions due to it htt…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@EntheosShines: @PrisonPlanet has consistently *helped* Twitter censorship. The data at my top tweet shows how incredibly vulnerable they are, but PJW has *helped* them by falsely pretending only cons are censored. He shrinks the tent, reduces the opposition to their censorship.
Willow's avatar
From @N01FREE
RT @24AheadDotCom_: At Mecca, with ISIS! #MAGA MT @PTreasonReport MT @EntheosShines: Morsi Wife Has All Docs & Recordings Of Obama/Hillary…
PTR's avatar
From @PTreasonReport
RT @24AheadDotCom_: At Mecca, with ISIS! #MAGA MT @PTreasonReport MT @EntheosShines: Morsi Wife Has All Docs & Recordings Of Obama/Hillary…
PTR's avatar
From @PTreasonReport
RT @EntheosShines: To @realDonaldTrump - Mohammad Morsi's Wife Has All Documents & Recordings Of Obama/Hillary With Muslim Brotherhood. Ha…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
At Mecca, with ISIS! #MAGA MT @PTreasonReport MT @EntheosShines: Morsi Wife Has All Docs & Recordings Of Obama/Hillary W Muslim Brotherhood