Tweets to Frank the Bunny

Frank the Bunny's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Frank the Bunny
Phoenix, ish
Fuck Nazis. Notorious #AntiFa and #WhiteGenocide supporter. If profanity bothers you, GTFO. Because fuck you, that's why. My πŸ’– belongs to @KikiAdine
Tweets to this user:
Ariacwfaw's avatar
From @ariacwfaw101
RT @BiasBe: @DeadBunnyFrank @sktea @24AheadDotCom_ Omg #whitegenocide can't come soon enough. These white people get insufferable when they…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Racist @DeadBunnyFrank replies: "You disagree? Personally, I'm fucking popping popcorn for #WhiteGenocide". #AltRight #MAGA #resist
Frank the Bunny's avatar
From @DeadBunnyFrank
@24AheadDotCom_ Yep. SO racist. I'm deeply in the "all people are equally awful, so let's all fuck and make tan bab…
sktea with βš–οΈ gin & a twist of #KHive's avatar
From @sktea
@DeadBunnyFrank @24AheadDotCom_ Frank, if that guy is considered representative of "white," then I'll bring the hot dogs and beer.
Frank the Bunny's avatar
From @DeadBunnyFrank
@sktea @24AheadDotCom_ And lube. In case any women show up.
Hoon McMunch 🚩🏴's avatar
From @BiasBe
@DeadBunnyFrank @sktea @24AheadDotCom_ Omg #whitegenocide can't come soon enough. These white people get insufferab…
sktea with βš–οΈ gin & a twist of #KHive's avatar
From @sktea
@BiasBe @DeadBunnyFrank @24AheadDotCom_ I'm a whitepeople, and that remark offends my truly delicate sensibilities.…
Frank the Bunny's avatar
From @DeadBunnyFrank
@BiasBe @sktea @24AheadDotCom_ Yep. Nothing worse than a white person who realizes they could soon have it as bad a…
sktea with βš–οΈ gin & a twist of #KHive's avatar
From @sktea
@DeadBunnyFrank @BiasBe @24AheadDotCom_ Ouch. 'S truth!
Hoon McMunch 🚩🏴's avatar
From @BiasBe
@sktea @DeadBunnyFrank @24AheadDotCom_ My very fucking Caucasian head I'll have you know.
Buy Broken On iTunes's avatar
From @discord3231
RT @DeadBunnyFrank: @24AheadDotCom_ You disagree? Personally, I'm fucking popping popcorn for #WhiteGenocide
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DeadBunnyFrank bio: "White dude who knows our time is over." And they wonder why there's an #AltRight. #MAGA #TheResistance #racism
Frank the Bunny's avatar
From @DeadBunnyFrank
@24AheadDotCom_ You disagree? Personally, I'm fucking popping popcorn for #WhiteGenocide