Tweets to Christopher C. Cuomo

Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
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Christopher C. Cuomo
In the Arena
CNN Anchor @CuomoPrimeTime 9p EST; SIRIUSXM CH 124 12-2 EST. #LetsGetAfterIt Facebook: chris cuomo Instagram: chrisccuomo
Tweets to this user:
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
4 house Republicans -- Will Hurd, Brian Fitzpatrick, Fred Upton and Susan Brooks supported Democrats in passing a r…
Wise&SassyLadySoCal's avatar
From @WiseLadySoCA
@ChrisCuomo The @gop has hit a big low. They're willing to accept the atrocious statements @potus makes all because…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WiseLadySoCA: on Mon, @ChrisCuomo had on Ron Brownstein, a "passive eliminationist" who - while he wouldn't put whites on trains - cheers the declining # & % of whites. Trump is mostly just playing Ed Anger; Brownstein is a hard-core racist. And, Cuomo didn't call him on it.
Zaid Sabah's avatar
From @ZaidSabah
@ChrisCuomo I think Sen. Graham is working overtime to try to inherit Trump's base one day. He ran in 2016 and most…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Leave the thinking to those who can do it & who know what's really going on. MT @ZaidSabah [bio: Veteran Iraq war journalist, currently cover Mideast for @business, ex WaPo, USAToday, etc] I think Sen. Graham is working overtime to try to inherit Trump's base one day
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
Show what we are at our best. Do it more than ever. Find ways to show it. Be better than what and who you oppose…
DC Outlaw's avatar
From @realdcoutlaw
@ChrisCuomo Ah, the nightly lecture from Chris. I can't believe people watch this show. Wait, nobody actually does.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@realdcoutlaw: Cuomo had Ron Brownstein - a "passive eliminationist" - on & didn't call him on his racism. Point that out to those taken in by Cuomo.
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
True - but task they have been given is problematic given current crisis. And idea that the man in charge of how im…
A Quiet Man's avatar
From @SterlingDean7
@ChrisCuomo If you're surprised, Chris, you haven't been paying attention. This is the most ignorant, least inform…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SterlingDean7: @ChrisCuomo hasn't been paying attention to @RonBrownstein either. Trump is mostly acting, RB is a full-on racist and a "passive eliminationist". RB wouldn't put whites on trains, he's just ecstatic about declining #s & %s. And, Cuomo didn't call him on it.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@annettedr: let's say you were arrested for sedition. Who'd you want to defend you: Kellyanne or @ChrisCuomo? She rolls right over him. He's never asked a question that puts anyone on the spot. He agrees with those who obviously lie or make outrageous claims.
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
It's Congress' job to declare war, not Trump's. The Constitution didn't leave that decision to one man on purpose a…
Michael Jones's avatar
From @mikejoneswcnd
@ChrisCuomo When did he declare war?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mikejoneswcnd: Trump didn't declare war, he issued a threat devised by an advisor. Point that out to those duped by @ChrisCuomo. Also point out Cuomo cheered @MichaelEDyson saying "people of color" are the "main base" of the Dem party. Why should whites vote Dem?
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
This is America. We don't have presidents who punish companies that don't flatter him. Nothing great again about ta…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ChrisCuomo: when will you do your job and ask guests tough, Socratic questions and then really press them to answer? Your musings and fluffing do not hold leaders accountable. When will you try real journalism?
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
Earlier today, Jared Kushner looked very poised at the state banquet with Queen Elizabeth. Maybe he should stick to…
Tales of the Bipartisan World 🗯's avatar
From @bipartisanworld
@ChrisCuomo It’s hard to imagine why we have people like him in top positions running the country, not even a repub…
Janell Longa's avatar
From @jlonga1
@ChrisCuomo I loved the “broken record” technique used by the interviewer. It really flustered Kushner. In fact, he…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jlonga1: I saw 2 minutes of the @ChrisCuomo lovefest with Chris Ruddy, it was truly embarrassing. Simple questions (like "did Trump's PR actions turn FL more blue?") would show Ruddy & Trump wrong & make Trump change what he does. Cuomo lacks the smarts & patriotism to do that
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bipartisanworld: Trump won *because of* those like @ChrisCuomo, Don Lemon, NYT/WaPo hacks, etc. All had the opportunity to ask Trump or his proxies tough questions that would've shown Trump is selling snake oil. Instead, Cuomo, Lemon, etc were *in effect* Trump's shills.
Janell Longa's avatar
From @jlonga1
@24AheadDotCom_ @ChrisCuomo If you think Trump is ever going to change, then you are naive. Trump is who he is and…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jlonga1: Trump will always have the same personality, but - *because of that personality* - what he does is malleable. His loudest opponents lack the smarts/sanity/life experience to use that. Feed Trump's emotional child & he'll do anything you want.
Janell Longa's avatar
From @jlonga1
@24AheadDotCom_ His loudest opponents have personal honor and refuse to stoop to Trump’s level and manipulate him.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
None of them have a shred of honor; they're all just careerist hacks. Making a deal with Trump doesn't have to be dishonorable esp given that it'd help the USA. MT @jlonga1 His loudest opponents have personal honor and refuse to stoop to Trump’s level and manipulate him
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
You are the President...not the head of a right wing extremist group. Threatening to match mobbish behavior is not…
Steven's avatar
From @Steven12604294
@ChrisCuomo I luv when u have kellyanne on ... even though some ppl don't agree... Keep her coming and keep up the good work
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Steven12604294: Trump fans love it when @ChrisCuomo has KAC on: she rolls right over him. Cuomo's trained as a lawyer to ask yes/no questions, but instead he just asks weak open-ended questions that let her get her talking points out.
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
Faith in principle or fear of POTUS... which will win? This is the predicament for the GOP. The true Trump derangem…
April Brown's avatar
From @Dadspumpkin65
@ChrisCuomo I hope you give air time to these folks in hopes that the people will hear what they are really saying.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Dadspumpkin65: people have been hearing Trump & his proxies for years & he still won. What's needed is to show a Trump proxy wrong *to their base*. @ChrisCuomo can't or won't do that. He asks Kellyanne weak, open-ended questions. He won't use his lawyer training & ask yes/no.
