Tweets to Talia Lavin

Talia Lavin's avatar
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Talia Lavin
feral marsh writer & jewish baba yaga. Book out Oct 13. Host of @mobydickenergy, a Moby Dick podcast. get in touch: talialavin at protonmail dot com
Tweets to this user:
Brendan Karet 🚮's avatar
From @bad_takes
Ingraham lists Paul Nehlen as one of many "prominent voices censored on social media". Here's a link to Paul Neh…
Bella Punica's avatar
From @numidianflank
@bad_takes @chick_in_kiev The whole schtick of modern conservatism is to mask substantive agreements with white sup…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@numidianflank: @bad_takes is very pro-censorship. Today Nehlen, tomorrow he'll be burning a cookbook or something. Be a real liberal. And, instead of Brenden Karet, seek out leaders who are smart enough to just show Nehlen wrong. Because Karet isn't.
Bella Punica's avatar
From @numidianflank
@24AheadDotCom_ @bad_takes that the distance between an actual white supremacist and a cook book is so small for yo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@numidianflank replies "that the distance between an actual white supremacist and a cook book is so small for you is extraordinary". When it comes to opposing censorship, there is no difference and there *has to be* no difference. Once again: be a real liberal.
Bella Punica's avatar
From @numidianflank
@24AheadDotCom_ Facebook isn't the government, and you live in an absolute fantasy world if you think them banning…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@numidianflank: actually, the damage to the USA in banning Paul Nehlen is much, much greater than allowing him to speak. If he speaks, he can be shown wrong. If he isn't allowed to speak, his ideas fester underground & break out in unexpected ways.
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
It's true: only 2 students signed up for my class. Here's some other hot news for Jon and his editors: Once I threw…
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
Another time in high school, a boy stole my shoes while I was taking a nap and hid them in a light fixture. I am ve…
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
I was doing a public reading earlier this year and had a panic attack onstage so bad I almost fell over and couldn'…
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
One time I confused the words for "boat" and "spoon" in Russian and told a friend she could get over her sadness "l…
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
One time my shoes broke mid workday. I worked at the World Trade Center at the time so I limped over to the nearest…
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
The pimple on my nose won't go away. It's been months. Months! Hope this helped you meet your story quota!!!! xoxo Talia
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
P.S. I’m not ashamed ICE lied about me that I’d started a rumor about one of their agents. I said a cross tat looke…
Eric OC: office drone seeking strike 🏀's avatar
From @funcrusherplus
@chick_in_kiev You do good work and I’m thankful for that.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@funcrusherplus: @chick_in_kiev posted something damaging without doing basic checking first. And, she's making excuses for it. I assume she was fired, if not she should have been.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@funcrusherplus replies with swear words. Like the other thing I replied to today, it hoist itself on its own petard.
Michelle D.'s avatar
From @chelleinchicago
@juliacarriew @chick_in_kiev I'm shocked to learn @facebook is partnering with a questionable right-wing source and…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@chelleinchicago: all that should matter is whether #DailyCaller is credible or not, not their "wing". Guardian is about as credible as DC & leftwing; why should they be rejected? P.S. This is just about power. @juliacarriew are worried about losing a monopoly on info/disinfo.
Patrick George's avatar
From @bypatrickgeorge
Well, that explains it.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Ironically, Trump fans act like old-timey Dems in this case while journos act like old-timey GOP & stick up for pro-wealthy NeoLiberal policies (globalism, free trade, etc.) MT @bypatrickgeorge MT @chick_in_kiev [#LearnToCode] harassment [was] coordinated on 4chan (of course)
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
I've been subscribed to EPA news alerts for over a year now. Since the election, the shift is absolutely nuts. 1/
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
(this is a short dumb thread) Pre-election: studious, quotidian stuff re: projects, initiatives etc. Scientific studies.
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
Post-election? Mostly press clips praising Pruitt, news of Pruitt's various trips.
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
Nearly all praise is about industry-friendliness; nearly all initiatives cooperating with industry.
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
Even casually, narrowly viewed through news alerts, the picture is one of a dept that has near utterly abdicated its duty to regulate.
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
Anyway, today the AP wrote about Superfund sites in Texas exposed to floods. "EPA not on scene," they wrote.
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
The EPA put out a press release calling the AP's reporting "misleading and inaccurate..."
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
...while confirming the AP's reporting that they had only remotely monitored sites and not acted on any of them. Th…
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
So not only has the EPA abdicated the duties it has performed for 50 years, it is engaging in political smearing of the press and critics.
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
This is your government in the era of Trump. /end
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
Addendum: the @EPA followed up with a personal attack on the AP reporter, w/o citing inaccuracies:
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
@EPA Addendum to the addendum: this press release has been removed from @EPA site. Here's what it said:
Sean Hecht's avatar
From @seanhecht
@chick_in_kiev @EPA Looks like it's back up at
Talia Lavin's avatar
From @chick_in_kiev
@seanhecht @EPA And still citing Breitbart. Unbefuckinglievable.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@chick_in_kiev: I filed complaint w/ EPA OIG about the Breitbart link. File your own complaint & reference mine for max impact.