Tweets to Collin Anderson

Collin Anderson's avatar
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Collin Anderson
Editorial asst. @FreeBeacon | MIZ, Birds, Blues, Everton FC
Tweets to this user:
Eliana Johnson's avatar
From @elianayjohnson
Warren’s Son Attended One of Nation’s Most Elite Private Schools, via ⁦@CAndersonMO⁩
seth shurtleff's avatar
From @shurtleffs
@elianayjohnson @CAndersonMO If Eliana keeps this up she’s going to get kicked out of the club.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Warren has always been extremely vulnerable *to her base* over her pro-Big Biz immigration stance. Eliana is direly afraid of calling her on it. MT @shurtleffs If Eliana keeps this up she’s going to get kicked out of the club MT @elianayjohnson [anti-Warren dumpster diving]
Brent Scher's avatar
From @BrentScher
Warren was confronted by an activist for sending her son to a private school, and denied doing so. Then she admitt…
Jim Wholey's avatar
From @JimKWho
@BrentScher @charlescwcooke @FreeBeacon She lies by reflex, it seems
Solitary Servant's avatar
From @SolitaryServant
@BrentScher @CHSommers @FreeBeacon So she must be in favor of #schoolchoice !
Marianne Kuzujanakis's avatar
From @MarianneKuz
@BrentScher @FreeBeacon An all too common example of "Do as I say, not as I do" politics.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Your petty gotcha won't change any minds. You aren't smart enough to engage her in debate. MT @BrentScher Warren was confronted by an activist for sending her son to a private school, and denied [it]. Then she admitted..she sent her son to private school beginning in 5th grade.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MarianneKuz: as a supposed doctor, you should be able to figure out hypocrisy is a weak charge. @BrentScher won't change any minds. He didn't engage her on what he sees as downsides of her policies, it's just a cheap gotcha ad hom. He also ignores where Warren's truly weak.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JimKWho: when Warren first ran, MAGOP opposed her over policies (mostly immigration). Then, nat'l GOP stepped in & dimmed things way, way down: "Pocahontas" 24/7. @FreeBeacon's gotcha is just the latest example. They won't oppose Warren on immigration: they *agree* with her.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SolitaryServant: if you favor #schoolchoice, @candersonmo isn't your friend. All he did was a quickly-forgotten gotcha that won't change anyone's mind. He isn't capable of engaging Warren in debate on her actually positions. He only does cheap ad homs.