Tweets to Rebecca Ingber

Rebecca Ingber's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Rebecca Ingber
NYC and Boston
Associate Professor of Law @BU_Law; Senior Fellow @RCLS_NYU; former attorney w/ U.S. Dept. of State; "rage tweets about bureaucracy" -- @S_R_Anders
Tweets to this user:
PostEverything's avatar
From @PostEverything
If there was no ‘imminent’ attack from Iran, killing Soleimani was illegal
Mumblyjoe Bizarro's avatar
From @mumblyjoe
@PostEverything WTTW, Trump doesn't believe in international law.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's a dim preschool bully. Despite that, those like Rebecca have *never* failed to do anything other than just help him. MT @mumblyjoe Trump doesn't believe in international law MT [WaPo hypes @becingber blog that Trump might've killed the Iranian terrorist illegally]
Rebecca Ingber's avatar
From @becingber
What do you do?” “I am a law professor.” “Oh good can you write my will?” “No.” “Help me with my divorce?” “No.” “G…
Pamela Bookman's avatar
From @PamelaBookman
@becingber This aged well.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PamelaBookman: now, @becingber blogs Trump might've killed that Iranian terrorist illegally. Those like her are socially autistic in a way: they're only used to their bubble & thus completely unfit to oppose Trump (a bad boy who plays by his own rules). How am I wrong?