Tweets to Annetta Jensen

Annetta Jensen's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Annetta Jensen
Melbourne, Australia
#MAGA anti EU, anti Globalist, anti NWO, pro Trump, pro Brexit. Wife, mother, grandmother. Love my family! Will block unwelcome messages
Tweets to this user:
Annetta Jensen's avatar
From @AnnettaJensen6
RT @FaithGoldy: “Our support team will not be able to give you any more specifics on the suspension.” @Google isn’t even trying to make th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AnnettaJensen6: @FaithGoldy & other cons *help* social media censorship by falsely pretending only cons are impacted. In fact, Twitter censors Kashmir activists, Target customers, Mike Trout fans, etc. etc. Acting just like U.S. cons isn't a good model to pursue. #Canada