Tweets to BallsOut 🌊

BallsOut  🌊's avatar
Twitter handle: 
BallsOut 🌊
Over by ‘dere
Dad to 2, husband to 1. Allowed in malls everywhere. I tried humor instead of anger & failed. Proudly progressive. “Balls out" means without restraint #Resist🌊
Tweets to this user:
Margie #IStandWithPelosi's avatar
From @Loca2733Mc
RT @bjcreigh: Seems like it was only yesterday the RWNJs were yelling about Twitter algorithms “silencing conservative voices.” I guess ce…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Loca2733Mc @bjcreigh: as the data at my top tweet shows, #Twitter heavily censors replies from liberals to Trump officials. It'd be smart of you to get those with megaphones to call out Trump, Breitbart, etc for lying. That'd also increase dissent to Trump officials.