Tweets to Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Ann Coulter
Los Angeles/NYC
Tweets to this user:
Jenny ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #UnitedWeStand's avatar
From @ouchinagirl
RT @AnnCoulter: In exchange for total amnesty/citizenship for illegals already here -- AND who come in the future - Senate immigration bill…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ouchinagirl: it's great @AnnCoulter is a Trump fan who opposes his amnesty. However, she gave him unimplementable plans and lunkhead arguments that he's rejected. She refused to give him smart plans & arguments that would stop amnesty. Demand she finally does that. #MAGA
#TheResistance's avatar
From @LaCina52
Did you see this? @seanhannity @AnnCoulter @FoxNews Bothers you right? The Fuck it does Racist / Racist supporter…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LaCina52: I realize trying to wise up #TheResistance is a lost cause, but when you smear Trump/Coulter over the *basic* outlines of their ideas (assuming they're sincere), you smear 10s of millions concerned about their jobs at the factory (a place where people work), etc.
Brydan's avatar
From @Apathyoverdose1
Feminists should celebrate @AnnCoulter for standing up for what she believes in the face of all the persecution. Bu…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Her "persecution" is self-caused & mostly by design: to play the victim & sell more books. She can't engage opponents and show them wrong. MT @Apathyoverdose1 Feminists should celebrate @AnnCoulter for standing up for what she believes in the face of all the persecution
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Apathyoverdose1: this will come as news to my follower, but @AnnCoulter prefers #kneeball & hates the whites-friendly #soccer. She refuses to use smart plans that'd stop amnesty. She gave Trump failed plans & weak arguments that he's rejected in favor of amnesty. #MAGA?
Educating Liberals's avatar
From @Education4Libs
Every signature/share counts. If we reach the big names @RealJamesWoods @benshapiro @seanhannity @TuckerCarlson…
My middle name is Marie    Not a Bot, or Am I? 😘's avatar
From @HippoCovfefe2
@Education4Libs @RealJamesWoods @benshapiro @seanhannity @TuckerCarlson @DonaldJTrumpJr @AnnCoulter @PrisonPlanet…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@HippoCovfefe2: you signed the @Education4Libs HRC emails petition. How come, months later, I have so few signatures on my anti-amnesty petition? Clearly, HRC's emails are much, much more important to #MAGA than stopping Soros' amnesty.
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
1) Bombarding a position (zero immigration) nobody occupies. Even @anncoulter only wants a pause. @NumbersUSA and o…
Josiah Neeley 🤔's avatar
From @jneeley78
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @NumbersUSA He’s just trying to helpfully move the Overton window. You can be a reasonable…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Define "moderate". Trump's 1.8 million? Depriving Mexico etc of the valedictorians they need? Screwing some Americans out of college? (I'm not against all, just "moderate"). MT @jneeley78 ...You can be a reasonable moderate and not one of those zero immigration extremists...
Jali_Cat{⭐️}'s avatar
From @Jali_Cat
As ridiculous and unrealistic as this is @AnnCoulter?? We can dream can’t we?!! Kinda like the DREAMERS do right!?…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Jali_Cat: Lindsey Graham is indeed a RINO. What is Trump, since he supports the same amnesty as Graham, Jeff Flake, Hillary Clinton, Jeb!, Pelosi, Schumer, Soros, and Luis Gutierrez? In fact, Trump's first #immigration plan was the Flake-Gutierrez "touchback" amnesty. #MAGA
From @marypatriott
“THERE WILL BE NO WAY TO PROVE WHO IS—OR ISN’T—A DREAMER” -In short, as I’ve finally understood, what @AnnCoulter b…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Not "evry", but #DACADeal will balloon. MT @marypatriott THERE WILL BE NO WAY TO PROVE WHO IS—OR ISN’T—A DREAMER” -In short, as I’ve finally understood, what @AnnCoulter been trying so hard to tell us is: Legalizing DACA illegals will provide A M N E S T Y to EVRY illegal.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@marypatriott: while, to her credit, @AnnCoulter, opposes amnesty even with Trump's name on it, she refuses to give him smart arguments he could use to undercut Pelosi to her base & smart alternatives to amnesty (like a repatriations program). Ask her when she'll do that.
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
There's an emergency on "Dreamers" alright. The emergency is that they're NOT being deported.
GG's avatar
From @GWorkman52
@AnnCoulter Does #DACA only pertain to the "Dreamer children" brought here illegally by their parents? Where are th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GWorkman52: DACA is a subset of DREAMers. #DACADeal would end up covering many/most DREAMers. Then, Trump - by his own admission - would push "comprehensive" #immigration reform, an amnesty for most illegal aliens. He'll never do mass deportations. Alternative is repatriations
Ms. Donna's avatar
RT @CptSheppie: @AnnCoulter They're self-deporting? This is going better than I could have possibly envisioned!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump has not only never supported attrition, he called it "angry advice". Now he colludes with Pelosi on amnesty. Coulter refuses to give him an an anti-amnesty plan he could support. MT @DCTFTW RT @CptSheppie: @AnnCoulter They're self-deporting? This is going [good]
Buford Taylor⭐️⭐️⭐️'s avatar
From @btaylor_jr
RT @wthcolts: @MarkSimoneNY @AnnCoulter A nation that has open borders and is a welfare state and a 20 trillion debt is not long for this w…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's amnesty will encourage illegal #immigration. Dems/GOP will easily undercut any part of his "wall" that's built. Trump's setting up USA for loose borders. #MAGA MT @btaylor_jr RT @wthcolts: @MarkSimoneNY @AnnCoulter A nation that has open borders [isn't a country]
