Tweets to #TheResistance

#TheResistance's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Left Of Eden
politically left of center. I climb walls. 1 day i will own a small planet with a BIG sound system. abnormal people encouraged 2 follow. #TheResistance
Tweets to this user:
#TheResistance's avatar
From @LaCina52
Did you see this? @seanhannity @AnnCoulter @FoxNews Bothers you right? The Fuck it does Racist / Racist supporter…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LaCina52: I realize trying to wise up #TheResistance is a lost cause, but when you smear Trump/Coulter over the *basic* outlines of their ideas (assuming they're sincere), you smear 10s of millions concerned about their jobs at the factory (a place where people work), etc.
#TheResistance's avatar
From @LaCina52
You are allowing ICE to rip families apart @realDonaldTrump History will not be kind to you #RussianPuppet #Traitor #Mexico
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LaCina52: you "climb walls"? Big walls, or little ones with plastic? Also, what are only 2 ways to prevent family separation?