Tweets to Jim Saksa

Jim Saksa's avatar
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Jim Saksa
Philadelphia, PA
Reporter for @WHYY's @PlanPhilly covering transportation 'n stuff. Recovering attorney. Ex-rugger. Send me tips:
Tweets to this user:
Roberto Torres's avatar
From @TorresLuzardo
Turns out a SEPTA conductor shouting "Fox Chase" sounds a lot like a SEPTA conductor shouting "Fuck's sake".
Pat Woods's avatar
From @patwoodsdesign
@TorresLuzardo This is my favorite transit tweet of the week.
Roberto Torres's avatar
From @TorresLuzardo
@patwoodsdesign Take that @saksappeal
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TorresLuzardo: Conor Lamb lied right to @saksappeal 's face & Saksa repeated it. Either Saksa is helping Lamb lie, or Saksa lacks the journalistic ethics to call out Lamb on lying to him. Which do you think it is?
Bobby Allyn's avatar
From @BobbyAllyn
There were 19 minutes of national coverage about this rural Pennsylvania race this morning. That says something. If…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BobbyAllyn: in #Politico, @conorlambpa lied right to @saksappeal 's face. Either you two know that & are helping him deceive voters, or you should call Lamb out on lying. Which is it? #immigration #PA18 #WHYY