Tweets to Angelo Young

Angelo Young's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Angelo Young
Queens, NY
More than a decade of editing action. Published in Newsweek, IBT, Salon, Arab News, The Daily Star (Lebanon), Mexico Business, McSweeney's, and others.
Tweets to this user:
Sarah Kendzior's avatar
From @sarahkendzior
OK I'm trying to upload my interview on @MSNBC this morning about freedom of the press, self-censorship, access jouโ€ฆ
Angelo Young's avatar
From @angeloyoung_
@sarahkendzior @MSNBC What does "proto autocratic" mean?
Sarah Kendzior's avatar
From @sarahkendzior
@angeloyoung_ @MSNBC Trump's attempting to create an autocracy but is held in check, somewhat, by preexisting democโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
He certainly would. And, zero of his loudest opponents have the smarts, integrity, or sanity to prevent that. Such as by offering an alternative to those worried about their jobs at the plant. MT @sarahkendzior ...Trump would like more absolute power than he currently has...