Tweets to Andrew Kornblatt

Andrew Kornblatt's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Andrew Kornblatt
San Francisco, CA
Coms professional on Green issues, Politics, Government 2.0 and Social Media. Co-Founder and Host of @OnlineOceans & @OceanSciRadio
Tweets to this user:
Paul Nehlen's avatar
From @pnehlen
1/ #TwitteRIP James Allsup maybe folks like EE and @BenShapiro ought champion others during the Christmas...uh...
Paul Nehlen's avatar
From @pnehlen
@benshapiro 2/ There are 6x10^7 examples of this stuff. I'll just drop a few
Paul Nehlen's avatar
From @pnehlen
@benshapiro 3/ Two others would be Charles C. Johnson and Pax Dickenson both fighting for America First (when not fighting each other)
Paul Nehlen's avatar
From @pnehlen
@benshapiro 4/ Chuck Nellis got banned. Milo got banned. They deverified Milo then banned him...but this too is tip of the iceberg.
Paul Nehlen's avatar
From @pnehlen
5/ Here's more iceberg censored by Twitter: Martin Shkreli Azealia Banks Pizza Party Ben Bunty King Mike Ma Tommy R…
Paul Nehlen's avatar
From @pnehlen
6/ Who on the left was deverified or banned?
Paul Nehlen's avatar
From @pnehlen
Paul Nehlen's avatar
From @pnehlen
8/ Twitter will systematically censor right-wing voices advocating America First until the only right wing voice is mine & @AnnCoulter's
Andrew Kornblatt's avatar
From @akornblatt
@pnehlen @AnnCoulter America has no room for white nationalists
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@akornblatt: #TheResistance opposition to @AnnCoulter doesn't work: they fail Marketing 101. You have to understand your audience & sell to them in ways they understand. This is how to do that & really cause her problems: Can we count on your help?