Tweets to 🇺🇸Angel Fox⌛#FreeAssange

🇺🇸Angel Fox⌛#FreeAssange's avatar
Twitter handle: 
🇺🇸Angel Fox⌛#FreeAssange
Somewhere in your head
Indepent journalist. Christian. Activist. “One of the best ways to achieve justice is to expose injustice.” -Julian Assange
Tweets to this user:
Deplorable Bob's avatar
From @brorick23
RT @AngelFoxToday71: There was a time you could get 300 followers a day if you tried. Now you are lucky to get a hundred a week. Thanks Twi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I've been stuck under 300 for years. Part due to Twitter, part because I show both #MAGA & #resist wrong. Do you oppose my shadowban? MT @brorick23 MT @AngelFoxToday71: There was a time you could get 300 followers a day if you tried. Now you are lucky to get a hundred a week.