Tweets to Inter-agency Galactic Know-It-All

Inter-agency Galactic Know-It-All's avatar
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Inter-agency Galactic Know-It-All
Texas, USA
Let's MAGA. I believe a strong country must have a strong middle-class. That is the foundation. America not perfect but damn sure better than a lot of cntries.
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Kevin 🇺🇸⭐️⭐️⭐️'s avatar
From @alfrich_k
Why Trump Is Calling the G.O.P. Delegate System Rigged @scottienhughes @kayleighmcenany Justified concerns by Trump
Inter-agency Galactic Know-It-All's avatar
From @2Twitte39301335
@alfrich_k @scottienhughes @kayleighmcenany & if only delegates deciding, then what was the point of all this time & money & energy spent?
Brian Pendergrass's avatar
From @brianpendergras
@2Twitte39301335 @scottienhughes @alfrich_k @kayleighmcenany The system's not perfect,but should the rules be changed just for Trump?
Kevin 🇺🇸⭐️⭐️⭐️'s avatar
From @alfrich_k
@brianpendergras @2Twitte39301335 @scottienhughes @kayleighmcenany They should be changed for the people not Trump, if not why vote?
Brian Pendergrass's avatar
From @brianpendergras
@alfrich_k @2Twitte39301335 @scottienhughes @kayleighmcenany All i hear is Trump should nominee based on the number of delegates he has.
Scottie Nell Hughes's avatar
From @scottienhughes
@brianpendergras @alfrich_k @2Twitte39301335 @kayleighmcenany what about overwhelming majority of people who have voted 4 him over others
Brian Pendergrass's avatar
From @brianpendergras
@scottienhughes @alfrich_k @2Twitte39301335 @kayleighmcenany 1237 is the number needed for nomination should Trump get nomination with less?
Scottie Nell Hughes's avatar
From @scottienhughes
@brianpendergras @alfrich_k @2Twitte39301335 @kayleighmcenany should someone w/ much less or none at all?
Inter-agency Galactic Know-It-All's avatar
From @2Twitte39301335
@scottienhughes @brianpendergras @alfrich_k @kayleighmcenany Exactly Scottie. It makes NO sense. If Trump has MORE votes & MORE delegates.
Brian Pendergrass's avatar
From @brianpendergras
@2Twitte39301335 @scottienhughes @alfrich_k @kayleighmcenany Yes,it doesn't make sense,but 1237 is the number Trump needs.
Inter-agency Galactic Know-It-All's avatar
From @2Twitte39301335
@brianpendergras @scottienhughes @alfrich_k @kayleighmcenany That would only represent will of 1237 ppl out of MILLIONS.
Brian Pendergrass's avatar
From @brianpendergras
@2Twitte39301335 @scottienhughes @alfrich_k @kayleighmcenany Delegates choose the nominee,should be do away with delegates?
Scottie Nell Hughes's avatar
From @scottienhughes
@brianpendergras @2Twitte39301335 @alfrich_k @kayleighmcenany but the people should chose the delegates.. All of them
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@scottienhughes: ACLU tied up SB1070 for 2 years & gutted it. What will Trump do when they try the same thing with his #immigration plans?