Tweets to Eric Umansky

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Eric Umansky
Deputy Managing Editor @ProPublica. Co-founder @DocumentCloud. Editor of Trump, Inc. podcast. Hang out with @sarapekow.
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🇺🇸 Vote Blue 🌊🧬🔬 🏳️‍🌈's avatar
From @ercitall
@ericuman This story breaks my heart and makes me despair. Instead of sending him to the hospital, this child died…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ercitall: the BP case is tragic & those who could've helped need to be help accountable. But, that's not what @ericuman cares about. He's paid by Big Biz & Big Biz wants loose borders to lower wages. You're only hearing about the BP case because Big Biz uses it to make $.
Eric Umansky's avatar
From @ericuman
A 16-yr-old boy died in Border Patrol custody. He had the flu They didn't take him to the hospital They didn't rel…
Kolleen bright's avatar
From @bright_kolleen
@ericuman @ezraklein @SpeakerPelosi Another article of impeachment for trump. Should have been the first one.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bright_kolleen: you know how Trump plays his base? @ericuman is playing you. BP case is tragic, but Eric Umansky really doesn't care. He cares about is Big Biz funding, and Big Biz loves loose borders so they can lower wages. The case is tragic, but you're being played.