Tweets to Totes Magotes

Totes Magotes's avatar
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Totes Magotes
Sydney, New South Wales
Canadian British Aussie Animator. 2 kids, 2 dogs and a love of craft beer. Lives reluctantly in a house full of huntsmen.
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24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Bongley72: those paid to push the wealthy's agenda know just how to push the buttons of those like you. They get supposed liberals to support anti-American libertarian policies (free trade, loose borders, globalism). Those like you turn against workers & enable the wealthy.
andrew kaczynski🤔's avatar
Stephen Moore says of his comments that the male needs to be the breadwinner of the family” in 2000: “I shouldn’t h…
Zhi Zhu's avatar
From @ZhiZhuWeb
@KFILE Stephen Moore is openly misogynistic. His toxic attitudes towards women should disqualify him from any public office. #NoMoore
Elizabeth R. 😷's avatar
From @JackRottie
@ZhiZhuWeb @KFILE That’s pretty much the entire GOP though..
Totes Magotes's avatar
From @Bongley72
@KFILE It was the year 2000 not 1950 jfc
Zhi Zhu's avatar
From @ZhiZhuWeb
@JackRottie @KFILE I can't argue with that. Perhaps not every member of the GOP is a misogynist, but the party as…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Hush. Unless you're also a Disabled Female LGBTQ Lesbian Person of Color, you have *no right* to talk about the GOP's Oppression! MT @ZhiZhuWeb Perhaps not every member of the GOP is a misogynist, but the party as a whole certainly behaves in a very misogynistic way
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Anti-American -> MT @Bongley72 Maybe reason men are making proportionally less than women is because some men who used to rely on union jobs in industries that no longer exist. Or maybe it’s because they are a bunch of cry babies that won’t increase their skills with the times.