Tweets to brent but politics

brent but politics's avatar
Twitter handle: 
brent but politics
Washington, DC
Somewhere in the purgatory between social democrat and socialist so odds are good you’ll be mad at me. Go @Padres. @UW grad. Jew, but not a good one. He/Him.
Tweets to this user:
Oliver Darcy's avatar
From @oliverdarcy
Stephen Miller privately promoted stories from white nationalist and fringe media organizations, leaked 2015 emails…
Oliver Darcy's avatar
From @oliverdarcy
White House @PressSec Stephanie Grisham said earlier she had not reviewed the 2015 emails of Stephen Miller private…
brent but politics's avatar
From @Brent858
@oliverdarcy He’s the most terrifying person in the Trump admin, by far. A truly dark personality driven by rage an…
Anne Xiety's avatar
From @PhatFannie
@oliverdarcy @PressSec Again, our tax $ should not go towards people who choose not to do their jobs!
Lea Francis's avatar
From @Lcgfrancis55Lea
@oliverdarcy @jaketapper I may have already posted this.... Miller is Trump’s Max Neumann, a Jew, who was an early…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Both Trump & Miller want amnesty. They're on *your* side. MT @Brent858 [content-free smears of Stephen Miller]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
What exactly is the "fringe media"? Isn't declaring some groups "fringe" to silence them how totalitarian regimes (NSPD, DDR, N.Korea, Iran) roll? MT @oliverdarcy [Stephen Miller allegedly hyped WN & "fringe media organizations"] MT @Lcgfrancis55Lea Miller is Trump’s Max Neumann
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PhatFannie: as a liberal, the idea that @oliverdarcy declares some groups "fringe media organizations" should provoke some opposition. Trying to marginalize groups to silence them is how totalitarian regimes operate. Trump & Miller are horrific, but Darcy's a lil' Honecker.