Tweets to Nahal Toosi

Nahal Toosi's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Nahal Toosi
Washington, DC
Foreign affairs reporter for POLITICO. “She isn’t one to back down.” -- the @StateDept. "Take a long run off a short pier, you utter hack." -- Sebastian Gorka.
Tweets to this user:
Nahal Toosi's avatar
From @nahaltoosi
What's striking about this is that the new restrictions don't bar tourists/visitors from Nigeria, etc. Just those w…
Jack Pitney's avatar
From @jpitney
@nahaltoosi @BuzzFeedBen From my forthcoming book.
Erin Darling's avatar
From @DarlingESemeria
@nahaltoosi @chrislhayes This makes me sick. The US has gained so many brilliant professionals from Nigeria.
Laura Kennedy's avatar
From @AmbKennedy_ret
@nahaltoosi Nope. I think this is all about Stephen Miller carrying out Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda. This was ram…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jpitney: a simple question I've tweeted untold times would force a Trump proxy to admit his ban wasn't needed or endangered the USA, & that would be devastating to Trump. You & @nahaltoosi obviously aren't smart enough to come up with that & aren't patriotic enough to ask it.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Let's say Nigeria has 35,000 doctors. If 1,000 move here, how many do they have? MT @DarlingESemeria [Trump ban makes her "sick"] The US has gained so many brilliant professionals from Nigeria.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AmbKennedy_ret: a simple question I've tweeted many, many times would force a Trump proxy to admit his ban wasn't needed or endangered USA. That admission would be devastating to Trump. What's kept @nahaltoosi from devising such a question & asking it?
Peter Baker's avatar
From @peterbakernyt
“Trade wars are good, and easy to win.” — President Trump, March 2, 2018 “I never said China was going to be easy…
Derek Johnson's avatar
From @derekjGZ
@peterbakernyt @nahaltoosi “Nobody knows more about trade than me.” — President Trump, March 3, 2016
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@derekjGZ: what's funny is neither you nor @peterbakernyt are smart enough to figure out how to undercut a low-watt bulb like Trump to his base. In fact, those like you have only ever *helped* him.