Tweets to Matt Sussis

Matt Sussis's avatar
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Matt Sussis
New Jersey, USA
Duke '16, Medill '18 | Assistant Director of Communications, Center for Immigration Studies
Tweets to this user:
Matt Sussis's avatar
From @mattsussis
Apparently when he said open borders was a “Koch brothers proposal” what he meant was that it’s his future campaign…
Thomas Lundquist's avatar
From @chief12121221
@mattsussis @AnnCoulter They know Not what they propose...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If you were patriotic & did your job you'd help with plans to make Bernie better. Will you or will it be just childish snark? MT @mattsussis Apparently when [Bernie Sanders] said open borders was a “Koch bros proposal” what he meant was that it’s his future campaign proposal.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@chief12121221 @TresMagus: read about @mattsussis 's boss, with an open mind. CIS has explicitly rejected smart tactics that would force all candidates to be better against amnesty. All due to Krikorian's emotional issues.